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Yann commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Using the 5Hz Locosys GPS with Arduino/ArduPilot
"Thanks Reto, I got it. It's just an XOR on received data..."
Feb 16, 2009
Yann commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Using the 5Hz Locosys GPS with Arduino/ArduPilot
"Still about the 5Hz Locosys (Mediatek chipset) GPS...
Could anyone please explain to me how the checksum at the end of every NMEA sentense is calculated ?
This point is not covered in the data sheet.

Feb 15, 2009
Yann commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Using the 5Hz Locosys GPS with Arduino/ArduPilot
"Thanks for your answer. I did a cable that works for 5v. I'll have to modify it for 3.3v. I soldered the small PCB at one end and sunk it in epoxy. No big deal."
Feb 14, 2009
Yann commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Using the 5Hz Locosys GPS with Arduino/ArduPilot
"Hi guys,
I just bought a 5Hz Locosys (Mediatek chipset) GPS.
Where do I get Realterminal to properly set the GPS module ?
Do I really need an FTDI cable or can I use a regular serial cable with level shifter ?

Feb 13, 2009