"Yes, I've heard that before! And not to mention, the 6-ball version is now in it's 2nd generation (with the opaque thumbscrews and streamlined software). I missed a couple of boats there."
"Thanks for the info- I was baffled by the ways to pwm the modes on the limited TH9. ended up giving it ch7 and just guessing a bit. This makes me wonder about the ubec that is still inline; although it has been powered by a jst adapter spinoff cable…"
"Dollars wise? In terms of control input; I had the heading/pitch programmed controls via a stock TH9-X Iris+ controller but something caused a debug process which made me hate it. I have to send it back to their factory overseas to debug, and I…"
Anyone have experience with odd rolling behavior and random movements with the Feiyu Mini 3D 3-Axis Gimbal? I had it working perfectly and then after making a few tweaks in the Feiyu Settings program, it started twisting and rolling hard to one…