Hi everyone,
I just made a bet with some local professional jammer manufacturer who is too confident with their product.
I'll take them out if I can manage a flyaround over their premises.
Their product is no joke though. As far as I could understand, it scans the entire spectrum and jams the suspectable frequencies but obviously there's something more to it which they won't tell me.
I've thought of below ideas for flight over a jammer-proteced zone. I'll be obliged if you could share your ideas:
1-) Using a 27 or 40Mhz AM/FM remote (the jammer may detect this but won't hurt to give it a try)
2-) Cable remote (there are 4gr/m cables)
3-) Infrared controller (can be modified for long range)
4-) Computer vision?
5-) Trying u-blox M8 3D Dead Reckoning GNSS chips (no idea how they perform or if manageable with arducopter)
6-) Autonomous flight without GPS and radio control (e.g. command Arducopter to take off, climb to 100m (barometer) fly north for 10 sec at 15m/sec (air speed sensor + compass), fly west for 5 sec. etc. I'm not sure if this is possible for arducopter.
Thanks in advance for your input.