Way back on page 4 of this thread, you asked me to do a register dump of the LSM303d IMU. I posted some screenshots, but I think they got swamped in all these replies.
Can you take a quick look at those screenshots, and let me know if…"
"That screenshot looks very familiar. When mine failed on the AC3.3 version, I got a very similar result. (I'm not sure if it also does this on AC3.2 during a startup failure)
I found that I can get it to boot up correctly if blow warm air (my…"
"OK. I got the failure again. The first time I connected via MP's terminal, I got screenfulls of garbage characters. Tried a few more time and got into the nsh shell. Screenshots of the command results are attached (I can't copy-paste text from…"
"OK, i'm an idiot.
I just realized I can get into the nsh shell via the "test" menu in mission planner's terminal. However, I'm not getting the failure right now. I may need to wait til later this afternoon when it cools down a bit."
"Tried connecting Teraterm via Telem1 and an FTDI, but no dice. I can connect to the COM port, but no sign of life. The pixhawk beeps like crazy (+/- 10 rapid beeps followed by a short pause -- low battery? - it's powered via the FTDI).
I don't mind doing that myself, but you'll need to walk me through the steps. I'm trying to follow the steps on this page: https://pixhawk.org/users/serial_connection but i'm not getting very far.
I installed the PX4 toolchain for windows.…"
Thanks for the explanation. I was just wondering what's in store for the next version. I really like the new PosHold mode in 3.2. I had actually already installed github to download and looked through the changes out of curiosity, although…"
I uploaded this FW, and after a lot of attempts, I got it to fail again. The first time, I wasn't connected to mission planner, so I don't know what the prearm failure was. The second failure, I got the message "altitude disparity" (which was…"
"Same issue here, prearm check fails due to bad accel health since I switched to APM 3.2. Sometimes it's fine, and sometimes it takes 20 restart attempts. When it works, it flies fine until i disconnect the battery. Mine is a RTFHawk from witespy. I…"