As some of you know i have been trying to get my heli to Loiter since last year. Today i got the heli to Position Hold for around 3 mins, it would have gone longer but it was blowing a gale, and starting to rain, so i cut it short.
So after a few more tests with this heli, more tuning etc i'll be starting the on the much larger Gas Helicopter, 23cc.
I tried to download the logs but didnt really get anything out of the APM that would have been any use.
Sorry about the poor quality of the video, i only had my stills cam with me, but you can see from one shot i'm pretty relaxed letting it fly. The Loiter P value is down to 0.100 which is really low, i may raise it slightly, will wait for a much calmer day to get better results. The CH7 autotrim worked really well, had to do it on windy day but no choice.
I'm going build on this test and try to get the razor more stable.
Thanks to Randy, Robert for the Heli code, Martin @ buildyourowndrone, and all the other programmers, testers, builders, for all your hard work.