"Harry, I don't print for a fee, however, we do use www.benmalouf.com He was an early tester of 618 nylon and has excellent experience and capabilities. You can see some of his work on my testers page as well as thingiverse. …"
"Luiz, I received my weight scale today and the 2 layer complete fuselage weighs in at 1.7oz and the 3 layer is 2.2 oz. I'm not sure what a stock Bixler fuselage weighs??
" Luiz, I uploaded the .stl files to thingiverse. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:33897
If you can't get them there, just let me know. The 3D Touch printer is a great unit. Also, the models are 200mm tall!
"I really designed it to cut acrylic sheets, but I've cut a few steel and Aluminum parts. I don't want all the little metal bits floating about. I've not cut alum sheets, so, I'm not sure. It does great on acrylics, Delrin, Nylon, PET and…"
"First, thank you for your comment!
Yes, I came this close >< to buying one, and decided I'ld learn more if I just dug in and designed one. Not only that, but I documented the complete process and opened it to everyone at:…"
"Luiz, My flying friend say's it's the same as his covered foam, but I have a gram scale ordered and due this week, so I'll let you know. I do know it's very light, yet extremely tough. From nose to tail, there's almost no twist. I'm not as…"
I’ve started designing and 3D Printing UAV fuselages for a friend that’s starting out in the hobby. He uses the “Bixler” type frames with some horizon sensors to get started. As we all know, there seems to be a greater number of tall…