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uavalle commented on Max C.'s blog post Arducluster double pilot control developed by Fablab Ivrea
"Thanks for your comments, let's continue to share our opinion in that way 
ok, it is true: the sketch is not complete and your doubts are surely licit, but when we will finish the flight tests I promise we will publish the entire, final and correct…"
Jun 4, 2014
uavalle commented on Max C.'s blog post Arducluster double pilot control developed by Fablab Ivrea
"well, I agree, but we are not the ones deciding the rules. anyway a little more security isn't bad "
Jun 2, 2014
uavalle commented on Max C.'s blog post Arducluster double pilot control developed by Fablab Ivrea
"Prestissimo metteremo la scheda tecnica sul web. (è in revisione) 
Non lavoriamo con la resilienza (sarebbe complesso ed eccessivo) ma semplicemente valutando i canali pwm di uscita da pixhawk. A breve vi spiego tutto "
Jun 2, 2014