2nd (3d printed) quadcopter


Having a background in electronics I wanted to build my own flightcontroller. At the same time I decided to build a new quadcopter. Having bought a 3d printer from Ultimaker, I printed a quadcopter frame inspired on the original Crossfire design from MickeyB (thingiverse).

printed part

3689594820?profile=originalInspired by the ArduCopter, KK2.0 and AeroQuad firmware I wrote my own code using the PSOC3 (Programmable System on Chip) platform form Cypress. The custom flightcontroller circuit board was fabricated using Elektor printservice.

assembled flightcontroller

3689594882?profile=originalThe 9DOF sensor stick of Sparkfun is mounted on top of circuit.

topview mounted flightcontroller

3689594842?profile=originalA cheap Nokia 5110 LCD is used as a simple flightcontroller UI. A RS232 interface links the flightcontroller to the PC in order to load the calculated/calibrated offsets and PID parameters using a simple python script.

python quadcopter pc ui

3689594600?profile=original3d graph of a calibrated magnetometer sensor


Finally I tweeked a little bit the FrSky Taranis transmitter in order to display the pitch, roll and heading calculated by the flightcontroller on the telemetry page.

telemetry screen Taranis

3689595022?profile=originalThe pitch is dispalyed as T1 (temperature1), the roll as T2 (temperature2) and the heading as Curr (current).

At present first testflights are carried out.

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  • Developer

    If you ever want to join the dev group and help us push arducopter & arduplane forward we're on drones-discuss@googlegroups.com.  No pressure though.  Everybody's got their own reasons for working on things.

  • Thx for the compliments. It flies ok, but my pilot skills are very limited. Still need a lot of practicing.

  • Developer

    Well, that really is very impressive.

    I guess it flies ok?

  • Uau!

    Chapeau! A lot of work in a lot of areas at the same time.
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