3D printed tricopter - from CAD to reality!




I'm Adrian from Hungary/Europe. Let me introduce my tricopter project.

My goal was to make something really good-looking copter that have ally features I need.The design process started 1 years ago. My first idea was to make a composite chasis, from glass/carbon fiber.I designed the copter in a 3D modelling software, and also designed the necessary moulds for making each parts, here is the initial design:



This is a sample of the mould design:

3689547050?profile=originalI also made some FEM calculations, to check the stress dispersion:


3689547001?profile=originalUnfortunatelly, this type of production would cost too much for me. I tried to find partners in Hungary, without success. So I almost forgot this project. But some months before I read a lot about 3D printing, and finally I found a great partner in Hungary (many thanks to the Ground Zero Team www.groundzero.hu !!!). So I started to redesign my copter according to the requirements of 3D printing:





Then I sent the .stl files for FDM printing. Here is the result:





This is my current configuration:

  • Turnigy SK3-2826-1130 motors
  • 8x4,5 karbon SF props
  • 10A HK ESC (simonK firmware)
  • ArduFlyer 2.5 with ArduCopter 3.0.1 code
  • 2000mA 3S lipo (2 db 1000mA 3S2P)
  • Flytron 25A ultralight current sensor
  • MKS-DS95 servo
  • RECOM 5V 1A power supply for electronics
  • 3DR 868 MHz telemetry module
  • RCTimer OLED screen
  • Immersion 600mW 5.8 video TX + Coverleaf antenna
  • MinimOSD, with KVTeam code
  • KPC-E700PUB camera
  • FRSKY Futaba FASST-compatible receiver, PPM
  • controlled LED-s and buzzer

All-up weight is 782g, and has 8 minutes of safe flight time with 20-25% of remaining battery.

(Please note that I used Crius AIO Pro at first with MWI code and KV-OSD code. These can be found on the following pictures and in the videos.)







LED sripes are controlled by APM:




Here are some videos:

Flight test (with Multiwii)

Onboard video (with Multiwii + KV-OSD)




For more details please connect me by mail: nhadrian@gmail.com


stl files can be downloaded from here:


And these are the additional metal parts for rear arm control:


I wish you all good luck on reproducing my tri.

Please note that I'll not modify desing according to personal wishes, since my spare time is quite limited and I focus on my personal projects. Thanks for understanding!!!


Best Regards


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  • Thanks Adrian. I am printing out the part 1 for the quad. We will let you and others how it turns out.


  • I updated the permissions, now it is public, do not miss the new cover, since the position of antenna was changed.

    I use Solidworks for modelling.



  • What program do you use to create your models?


  • The files all load EXCEPT the frame. I get a page that says 'you don't have permission.....'

    It's like I am on your page but don't have read/write permission. mmmmmm.......


  • @Adrian Hi, I printed for arms ok and they feel strong. The battery holder turned out ok also. The problen I have is the Frame. It's too big to print in a Makerbor Replicator Dual. Somehow I need to split it into 2 pieces and have a left half and a right half designed to be put together by screws or maybe glue.

    Your designs are super. I was surprised the MakerBot worked so well.

    A big THANK YOU for the design and the work you put into this.

    I am 67 years old and really having fun with all the DIY Drones stuff.

    BTW Can't seem to download the newest frame drawing from Shapeways again. Whatever you did with the original files works ok. The new files don't even show up on my system. Darn.

    Keep up the good work....


  • Hi all,

    I redesigned the center frame for quad. Here is the result:


    Here are the neccesary STL files: (arms and battery holder are the same)



    arm - needs 4 pcs...

    battery holder


    I strongly recommend this orientation for best strength of the arm (sorry Earl, it also needs support material), because than the contour print lines will be along the arm:



    Earl, I think frame is also too difficult to be printed without support material... :(


    If someone would donate my work with parts for example, contact me by mail on nhadrian@gmail.com.

    Thanks in advance.

    -- Please note that quad is not flight-tested and I will not even print it out since it would cost too much. And also I prefer tri orientation --




  • Here is a picture of what I printed so far......


  • Yes, that sounds right. Remember Shapeways is not the only one who do this. The competition is fierce.

    Do another build of the cover. Est. time is 1 hour 50 mins. We will see if its better.


  • @Earl - I've been following your build.  I downloaded the STL files from Adrian's Shapeways account and then created my own account and uploaded them.  I'm getting a price estimate for the main body of $152.35 in what they call "White Strong and Flexible" material.  I wonder what that is?  I can't seem to find a explanation yet.  It look's like all parts would cost $283.40 from Shapeways in this white strong and flexible material.  Does that seem about right?

  • MR60

    wow I did not know that tricopters had to have this yaw control mechanism. That makes it much more complex than a quad , in fact (plus additional failure possibility). Glad I started this hobby with a quad lol.

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