
Is it time for the DIY Drone community to roll up our sleeves and enter a team into this anti-poaching UAV contest?


$65,000 in prizes and an all expenses paid trip for the winning team to the Kruger Park in South Africa for 10 days to fly the design with the real life anti-poaching teams.

We have to have the expertise in this community to win this competition hands down?

Maybe 3D can use some of this newly raised $30 million to offer the winning UAV design a production contract and 3D Robotics can then offer a line of counter poaching UAV's?

Chris, drop me a note if this is of interest and I can send it onto the contest organizers so you can discuss the idea.

E-mail me when people leave their comments –

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  • Will do.

  • Moderator

    It was me that asked Peter to close this thread, the mention of actions being taken against other people without trial is nasty in my book. 


  • Admin


    We had similar problems with a similar blog post awhile back and had to close it down also.

    I understand your feelings about closing this blog post down, but it is for the best.


    TCIII Admin

  • The admin has asked me to close this thread because it has "it has turned nasty" otherwise it will be deleted. 

    It seems a shame to delete the thread as we as a community can offer a great deal, so can we keep this open for a while and ask folks to post not to post anything "nasty"

    It might also be helpful for the admin might weigh in here and define a little what would be classified as nasty and what is ok to give everyone some general guidelines as to what is nasty and what is ok. 

  • Moderator

    The search area being twice the size of Israel with a 3k airframe is a bit of an issue as well. 

  • The requirement to use 3G/4G is impractical, unrealistic, and unreliable. Automatic target identification is difficult and unnecessary. The first phase is in three months and there are no official rules. There are no published standards for written reporting or ownership of intellectual property, which is odd considering "Kashmir Robotics" intends to use or commercialize the technology.

    I want to help with anti-poaching as much as the next person, but these requirements were written by conservation idealists with no operational tactical UAV experience. I get that they want to crowd-source the technical development, but these requirements are overly onerous and the end-product will not accomplish the mission. 

  • Moderator

    Ok this thread is well outside of DIY Drones TOS, Peter please close for comments. Unfortunately even admins can't do that on Ning. 

  • Les criticizing more love for our hobby and give back in the best way we know how. 

  • @Chris, I like your thinking on this one. My post on this got pulled because it was a little too harsh for the audience here. Most people do not know all that much about some of the realities of this terrible situation going on in that part of the world. Some countries after they round up the offenders, have a summary trial in the field and execute them. This sends as harsh a message as can be and the added benefit is there is one less "Reprehensible" Human on the planet and helps keep the greed in check.

  • So what would we be trying to do here? Would this be video tracking, or dynamic waypoint tracking, dropping UV dye on their vehicles, or cutting some poacher in half with an airborn hydrogen peroxide powered laser? I would prefer the later. What would provide the most actionalble data to a authority? I assume that we are not designing cruise missles here?
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