I want to introduce my new copter!
it is a Compackt Hexacopter 300mm x 300mm x 500mm
for professional user
Up to 1 kg of payload
10 -12 min. flight time
information at
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Absolutely gorgeous. Awesome!
Well, somebodies got to make the best, I've got to say I'm not at all surprised your German.
Great snap lock arms and unusual and innovative lading gear technique.
Can't wait to see the pricing on this puppy though, more or less than a "Predator"?
Yes - gorgeous design... I suspect you'll be contacted by bigger budget operations, contractors, etc. Sadly, your machined billet arms don't seem practical for regular folks! Yet, I covet them. Nice work. More pics!
Where on your site do you have info about this?
that looks outstanding. could you give us some zoomed out photos so we can see the end result?
Wow, that is nice. I like the snap-lock arms. Are those pics RTF with electronics? If so, I can't believe how clean it looks. Good job.
Could you please send me a private message, i'd like to talk to you more about your product. Thank you!