Ok bear with me here because i have no drawings or diagrams. Basically this is a device designed [thought up] to transmit or receive or tranceive (im not sure how to spell it). Basically this will transmit information about your aircraft from speed to altitude to lat-long basically this is connected to a receiver attached to an OLED screen so you wear it on your wrist and get all of your information on your wrist instead of a ground station in a big van thats wasting gas. If it happens to be a transceiver inside of the airplane you could say activate your emergency return home in case of an emergency. So if anyone with good programing knowledge and some decent funds should try this it just might work out.
i think ill just stick to filming after all of my criticism with the bomb think i mean c'mon people its not like you thought of that before you built your uav and if the government is watching me its not like you guys havent considered banning uav's and if you guys havent seen this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGRPIseoPPM check it out
And they said South Africa was a police state.
Rad man i plan to cross two foregein countries to get to my target.
i think you should work on dropping sample and leaflets for a Uav over sports stadiums.
ok guys i know im not welcome if i make terrorist like comments but i certainly wont get thrown in jail for saying that. if i do this will be my last blog post.
Rad man i plan to cross two foregein countries to get to my target.
i think you should work on dropping sample and leaflets for a Uav over sports stadiums.
It is strictly against the AMA rocketry code to fire a model rocket at any angle not approaching vertical.
Also, I know you were just joking about the bomb and missile thing, but that's not welcome here. Please refrain!