3D Robotics
From our friends at Pict'Earth, a neat hack to keep your directional antenna pointed the right way and monitor your wireless video while your plane is in the air. I was going to say it was "cool" but I realized that my wife would probably disagree (indeed, she'd have serious doubts about her life's choices if she ever caught me wearing it!) But it certainly does seem useful, especially for those secluded flying places away from the public eye ;-)
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  • 3D Robotics

    I don't know more that what's in the Pict'Earth post, but you can PM the author there.
  • Moderator
    I once read a quote, I think from Frank Beard of ZZ Top, who basically said something to the effect that We (RC Flyers) may not be the biggest nerds on the planet, but we are on the same ballot... This confirms it! You got more details?
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