Package galore, VPL, ideas, and thanks

No, i didn't look down, when i said that, i promise!


Yeah, that was waiting for me when i got home friday night. I've been getting atleast a package a day now, with more to come.In one of those packages, was a box. In this box, from Electronics Goldmine, had this->


I have never seen components used as stuffing before. I got a kick out of it so i took a pic. Yes, that box was FILLED with components. $5 too. I invited EVERYONE to get one because i've actually gotten some useful parts and headers out of that box. Saved me almost $20 already from going to radioshack:)OKay, now, for the project side...My Hawkings wifi adapter adapter arrived today, so, for the first time, i can go network on this bad boy. Ofcourse, there is nothing to really network it to....but that can change in the coming days hopefully!since i'm back home, and this project is now getting materials, i cleared off my workdesk of all my IBM R and T series parts. Also moved my twin Darth Maul Light Sabers, but they will be back when i take the picture. Due to the fact that this will now be a robotics desktop, my legos are there too, with my mindstorms in the top bin, and the bottom bin has the UAV parts.VPL programming is still in the learning phase. Every day i learn something new and useful. Today i learned that there is a Service that can receive and get messages from other windows programs. This is good because i wasn't too sure how to combine SPI/I2C code for the VTi borometer that just came in with the VPL code. I am realizing that i may have to run two programs side by side with the VPL code. The VPL will do the actual controlling of the UAV, in both the remote and autonomous functions, while the networking functions, such as video and data streaming, will be carried out by other programs, such as VLC and...well...i'll work on that...RoboRealm is looking kinda nice too. This, thus far, is kind of a map of what the data will look like, atleast coding wise, when it comes to sending and recieving data between programs

In order to keep the video in REALTIME, i may have to shrink them a bit, on the viewing end, although i will have full resolution recording on the PC end (i hope)One thing that disappointed me about VPL was that the service, although it uses DirectInput, doesn't care that i have many different POV hats and rotary controls. I was hoping to use the rotary controls that i have on the x45 for manual zoom and focus, although i was going to see if my focus can be automatic :). I am so tempted to just buy a camcorder, and tear it apart, as it may be 6 or more oz heavier, it will be sooooo much easier to control such things. Back to topic, one of the reasons i bought this particular joystick was that it was a programmable joystick that wasn't as expensive as the x52/pro. The keystroke/macro recording is VERY extensive, and talking to tech support, they prided themselves on that. It seems to work well, although, in aim, there was a split second delay on my main rig. I will try and see if this is a problem on the R 50eBeyond that issue, i will be attempting, before passing on the ball to one more skilled, to program a service for the Parallax Servo Controller. Trevor Taylor, on Microsoft Forums, has been most helpful in answering my questions and woes on VPL.Although this project is extensive, it is only so as i am playing to my strengths. These strengths are by no means limited to "personal" strengths. Most of my strengths are "resources" strengths, ie, my friends, supporters and advisers. I would like to thank my friend Bill Forde (NY) for his material support and coding help with explaining things i did not get and freely helping me with code i could not write on my own. I would like to thank my friend Mark Krieger (TX) for freely sharing is PIC, electronic engineering, and sensor coding help and moral support. Finally, when he has the freedom to work on the C# code with me and the Flash GUI, i would like that thank Roman (NY, Sony Brook University), who will be a partner in this as Software Lead Engineer :). Of course, thank you to the DIYDrones community members, such as Chris Anderson, Howard Gordon, and others like chopsuey for encouragement, support, and ideas.Right now, coding is primary. I can't build until i get the plane and that is about a week away. Hopefully, i can get everything talking to one another before it gets here. once i do that, its calibration. After that is done, its test flight. Oh that reminds me...i have a 54" emergency parachute coming to me. lol, yeah, i have no faith in myself...
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  • Yeah, i have DLed it, but not installed it quite yet. one of my friends ought to have a copy of the full version.

  • You say you need visual studio 2005, have you tried the express version? You can get VS express 2k5 or 2k8 from MS for free, though the DSS templates may be a full version only feature.

    Also, what did you order from electronics goldmine to get a box full of parts. I want one too.
  • VPL is MSRS's Visual Programming Language. VLC is a video player/server/client AKA VideoLan.

    First impressions are VPL itself is easy, but everything else about it is a bit of a headache. Its really the lack of useful real world services that makes it a problem. Thus far, i haven't gotten it to like my joystick. HOWEVER, i do like what it can do wiht my joystick- potentially. It DOES make interfacing devices easier, once they are fully integrated, whcih is its selling point. What it REALLY needs is a damn good, and LENGTHY tutorial for programming retards- because that's who really wants to use it. I did find some video tutorials on line, but they usually cut out when you start actually assembling the code. This is usually okay because they guide you through the code ahead of time step by step. however, in the advanced lessons and services lessons, its frustrating because its basically and introduction and a summary, with you learning nothing. What is needed is either more services produced by MS's team, OR better tutorials, OR an easier way to make a service. However, i have Visual Studio 2003...apparently i need 2005 in order to get the handly dandy DSS template that makes the stupid services, so maybe it is easy? Sigh...its still a work in progress. And i haven't even tried the simulator...or compiled it yet to run in the sim. What i do know is this- if i fail at getting the parallax servo controller AND the joystick working, i'm going to have to find something else.

    Services it needs- serial port data, parallel port data, usb port data (some sensors just integrate on the COM ports). SPI/I2C would be great native service too
    Official download of VLC media player, the best Open Source player - VideoLAN
    Official download of VLC media player, the best Open Source player
  • 3D Robotics
    Very exciting!

    "Most of my strengths are "resources" strengths, ie, my friends, supporters and advisers."

    Well said. I think we all feel the same way.

    VPL and VLC have something to do with Microsoft Robotics Studio? (I'm not familiar with them). We've heard nothing but complaints about Microsoft Robotics Studio, mostly about its complexity and steep learning curve. Can you let us know how it goes and whether you'd recommend it?
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