3D Robotics

Update on ArduPilot Pro

While we debug some production glitches in ArduPilot, work on ArduPilot Pro (the dual-core board with built-in stabilization) is moving ahead. Jordi's working on the first production candidate, which is shown above with the FMA thermopile sensor head, which we're using for testing. Click on the picture for a bigger version.
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  • Developer
    Right now im working on the first library to communicate the two arduinos with SPI.. And yes i putted the molex connector for the IR sensors, but mistakenly putted the big one, in the next board i will change it =)...
  • 3D Robotics
    @Condor. It's not clear. Paparazzi does this and has avoided a lawsuit, but AttoPilot is licensing from FMA. We're consulting with others to find the best path.

    @SgtRic: I don't have it in front of me (I'm traveling) so I'm not sure. But we just put a standard header connection on ours for testing.
  • Sgt Ric, I just wanted to know so that I could make some cables for my own project.
  • T3
    Can you include a thermopile on a commercial product without infringing on FMA's patent?
  • Moderator
    I think the FMA is there just for testing/simulation.

    According to the posted specs, the ArduPilot Pro has it's own built in.
  • Hey Chris,

    Is the connection on the FMA sensor head just a standard 4 pin JST connection ?
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