A little laugh with a joke starring my chickens, Penny and Pepsi :)
Oh yes, even chickens may benefit from Arduino tech.
Next step : make ardurover find the path to the chickens house, then recognize if eggs are layed and pick up them up Can DEVs take care of that in a next release ? :)
Temp and humidity control for chikens house??? :O . Can I rent their house when I travel to Europe? LoL
Really, augmented chickens !
Next step is to teach your chicken how to reboot the system when they are locked inside !
@Pascal, love this site lol.
I have done that too for temp and humidity control of the chicken's house, Learning how to use a Wifi ESP8266 and a cloud based data collector/web monitoring on the way...
There are no limits for our pets, are they ?
This has become our morning theme music!
Lol ! remind me this one :
RFID rings and readers
Identify chickens with comfotable RFID rings that track the chickens movements and actions in the coop.
Know who lays a chick and when!
Cameras in the coop
After each coming and going of your chikens in the coop, the cameras will take a picture to analyze the presence of additional eggs, or not.
The water level detector
The chicken coop collects rainwater to ensure the chickens have enough water. A detector informs you when the water level is running low or if your chickens are out of water.
The solar panel
The Smart Chicken Coop produces its own energy thanks to the sun. The solar power will recharge the batteries that power the intelligent sensors in your chicken coop.
Humidity sensor
Knowing the level of humidity makes it possible to provide pertinent advice relevant to the the owener (you) and thus improve the life of the chickens.
Brightness sensor
With this detector the chicken door closes and opens automatically according to the daylight. Your chickens are safe and protected
Chicken feed sensor
On average, the chicken feed container can provide feed for a week and you can see, from your app, when it is necessary to refill it.
Temperature sensor
The temperature has an obvious impact on the welfare of your chickens, knowing more helps to make the right decisions to better their life and yours.
Of course, with the dedicated smartphone app !
Belgium educated chikens :D .
@Cala, these are tiny chickens that stay small. They don't destroy gardens. :)
Poor chikens !!!! have an electronic at home is a headache for chikens LOL.
Please Hugues give me the secret how the chikens doesn´t destroy the garden :O , Argentine chikens are uncompatibles with gardens.