
ArduCopter Loiter Tuner / SIM


This is a simulation I'm working on to improve the Loiter control laws and discover optimal gains. I have identical code from Arducopter running in Flash as OO Javascript so I can ensure the behavior is the same as the real thing. I tested the MTEK GPS to find the actual latency and accuracy and then modeled it in code. This allows me to test PIDs and other coding ideas to see how the copter will behave in real life. The copter itself is a simple physics equation and should be fairly accurate. To better tune the SIM, I can compare AC Flash Logs from real flights side-by-side with the SIM flights which also output the same text based logs.

I've already found many areas for improvement in the Loiter code which i've just checked in to the GIT repository. 


Hopefully this tool will serve as a great PID introduction as well. I know I've learned a lot by comparing plots with small changes in the gains. 





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  • Awesome Awesome Awesome!

  • Jason   Love your work as always.

  • This is absolute awesome. You must now just add quadcopter weight, motors size and frame size in the mix so that one can do this to a personal quad copter.

  • Brilliant. This helps quite a bit with conceptualizing loiter behavior (for perpetually troubled individuals such as myself) :)

  • 3D Robotics

    Jason is a Flash GOD!

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