Acromaster as UAVDevBoard platform


here are some experiences with Bill Premerlani amazing UAVDevBoard on a Multiplex Acromaster.

Here is a video that shows the impressive ability of this device with Ben Levitt pattern stabilization firmware:

UAVDevBoard stabilized Acromaster from Riccardo Kuebler on Vimeo.

The plane, base components:

Acromaster with Apache 30/14T AR
ESC Castle Creation Phoenix 45
Lipo 4S 3600mAh
Propeller APC 12x6
Servos 4x Hitec HS81MG
ACT S3D 2.4GHz 4+2 RC rx

IMU upgrade:

Xbee Pro
A123 2S 1300mAh

Here is the options.h file with my actual settings:


Here is a spreadsheet with the commented history of the settings:

Logbook Acromaster.xls

This is a great work from all the developers and programmers (hardware: Bill Premerlani, Tom Posey; firmware:Bill Premerlani, Adam Barrow, Adam Bellchambers, Pete Holland, Ben Levitt; Aerobatics stabilization firmware: Ben Levitt; and all the fantastic rest of the team).

Best regards,


1st edit 7.2.10:
link added for autopilot devices, video embedded
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  • Hi,

    here is another video of the same Acromaster, were you can watch general UDB/plane behavior and roll rate (measured 765°/second !) from plane side (on board camcorder).

    Acromaster as UAVDevBoard - plane side from Riccardo Kuebler on Vimeo.

    Best regards,


    Best regards,

  • Paul,

    thank you very much !

  • This is a marvelous video, and Vilvaldi is really appropriate. This is all about flying.
  • Hi,

    I just added a couple of video. They are the same as the previous I did with, but I played a little with a stabilization software.

    Video one, with dynamic outline
    Video two, with dynamic filled outline

    Best regards,

  • Dedadz,

    that's good news!

  • I'm out of Oil Pan boards but if things go well, they should be available soon from Jordi on the DIYDrones store.
  • T3
    Hi JP,

    Ric got his oil pan from Dedadz.

    Best regards,
  • Thank you. From who or where did you buy the oil pan?

  • JP,

    I just put the links in the main post.

    I embedded the video too, to make the post nicer.

    Best regards,

  • Would you mind posting where you bought everything, espically the oil pan?

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