IOBoard Let's make it better... We need testers...
Awhile ago we made first translating program for IOBoard and since that people have been using it as it was and/or modifying its open software. Now that we have more and more devices supporting FrSky telemetry, converting becomes more fun.
So let's make it. Current roadmap for IOBoard is:
- Have full support for MAVLink/FrSky conversion
- LED driver with configurable patterns
- OpenTX, er9X support
- TLD-02 display support
- Updated Configurator
Currently tested features on Taranis radio:
Heading, Temperature 1, Temperature 2 (shows satellites/fix type), Armed/Disarmed and Throttle values,
Lat/Lon, Altitude, Voltage, Cell volt (avg), Speed
jD-IOBoard can be found from jDrones store
Latest MAVLink/FrSky software is IOBoard_FrSkyMAVLink.v03a
software can also be found from arducodes repository at google code
Let us know how it works and if you have ideas, post it on..
You cant connect the arduino directly to the s.port of the x8r. Different protocol. As I have already have written you need the s.port vario sensor as a bridge.
Hi guys,
I am trying to get telemetry displayed on my Taranis using an Arduino Mini Pro and a D8R-XP receiver. I used Xloader to upload the .hex file onto the Arduino. I now have a dim red LED and a slow flashing yellow LED. I have tried both UARTS on the APM, different wire combinations from APM to Arduino, and pins 5 and 6 on Arduino to receiver, but no data is being displayed. Could someone possibly draw a wiring diagram for using an Arduino mini pro from Sparkfun. Also, what is the best way to upload the hex file to the Arduino. Xloader seems to work, but it has no option for the Mini Pro.
No I have not tried with the X8R receiver. I ended up ordering a D4R-II to test with.
You can not connect it directly to the S.Port of the X8R since it is different protocols. Though it should work with the S.Port variometer sensor ( as a bridge between the IOBoard and the X8R since the variometer supports the sensor hub.
Nils Högberg did you get APM telemetry working with the X8R receiver? I've been scouring the internet for information on how to do this and now it is time to ask for help! I have the jDrones ioboard, but I'm not sure how to connect it to the X8R and I haven't had any success so far. Thanks for any help you can provide to this complete amateur!
Board will not do any rate requests. IOBoard and OSD board will make those. You have jumpers and small push button on telemetry distro board for cases when you don't want to connect Mission Planner. If you don't have mission planner nor telemetry modems connected at all you can use jumper to make permanent rate request on every boot. If do you have telemetry modem but you don't want to connect, just hold request button down for few seconds while OSD or IOBoard boots and requests will be passed to APM.
The telemetry distribution board sounds interesting. How does it work? Will this board do the rate request and talking with the apm and then forward the data between the units.
Can you for example power on your copter and get data to the IOBoard and OSD without having to connect mission planner. And if you later on need to change some setting on the apm just connect with mission planner without recycling the power on the apm?
Mission Planner, IOBoard and OSD boards are all making so called Rate Request if they don't see correct parameters. When using mission planner your Rx line should be disconnected. So if you have Telemetry radio, IOBoard and/or OSD Board you need to have telemetry distribution board. Here is one board that we made for this need. jD-Telemetry Distribution
Due design of MAVLink protocol and how Serial ports are used, you cannot have multiple devices talking on same line but you can have multiple devices listening and that's how IOBoard and MiniOSD board are working. Also all future coming boards are using same method.
Tried connecting an arduino pro mini to the auxiliary uart0 port today and connected a FTDI cable from port 11, 12 to the computer. Dont have a D4R-II yet so I can not test it with my Taranis just yet.
When connecting both RX and TX to the arduino no data is received to the arduino and connection with mission planner via 3dr-radios does not work. Tried disconnecting the RX (APM side) the arduino starts receiving mavlink data after mission planner connects via 3dr-radio.
Do you always have to connect with mission planner to get the APM to start sending mavlink messages?
Hmm, the telemetry port on the x8r says smart port not sbus. I mixed up the terms.
Anyway this is the variometer that can convert from non smart port telemetry system to smart port like x8r.
Well i am not sure if SBUS was ever really protected. It's rather simple protocol. About vario, I never heard that there are SBUS variometers?? Any link? As normally SBUS is only for controlling servos etc devices as it's one way bus. FrSky then again have totally different type databus on their HUB devices and FrSky telemetry modules.
Vario should already work on latest IOBoard/FrSky code as it reads vario data from MAVLink.
I am currently teaching our new electronics engineer/programmer about the secrets of IOBoard and he will continue working on software shortly.
For what I have tested on Taranis radio, most of it's telemetry values are already delivered from MAVLink to FrSky protocol.