3D Robotics

APM 2.011 Beta released

3689395499?profile=originalAs part of the continuing APM 2.0 beta test program, we've released another package of updated APM software: New versions of the APM 2.0 beta code (2.01), Mission Planner (0.4.16) and HappyKillmore GCS (1.2.43).


Please upgrade your system to the latest code, which includes bug fixes, a few new features and improved stability. To be safe, load the code into Arduino and compile it as usual; the automatic firmware loading process may not always bring in the latest code during this beta testing period. [UPDATE; the Mission Planner will now load the latest firmware automatically, so no need to use Arduino or download the code yourself.]


New features include:

--More Action Commands implemented. 3689395418?profile=originalAs shown at right, we've added back some commands that you can issue in-flight via the HK GCS. More commands will be coming soon.

--More effecient memory handling allows APM to run MAVlink on Port 0 (USB) and Port 3 (Xbee) simultaneously without risk of memory overrun.

--Lots of improvement to the Mission Planner. Altitude in 3D waypoints should now be properly displayed.


Known issues:

--Some modes are not being reported correctly in HK GCS. Stabilize is being reported as "Guided", for example. We know how to fix this and it will be right in the next build.

--Writing waypoints via MAVLink in the Mission Planner is still sometimes unreliable. If you're having trouble, close it and reopen and try again.

--Vehicle Number is still being reported as 7, rather than 1. We'll fix that in the next build.


We'll be releasing new code each week for the duration of the beta test process. Expect a final Release Candidate by mid-April. As always, keep the bug reports and other feedback coming! (Bug reports to the Issue Tracker, please)







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  • Developer
    Rana, i think your problem is that i hadnt uploaded the new firmwares yet, so you are still running 2.01 not the newest..
  • 3D Robotics

    In APM 2.x, all communications is via MAVLink, which is running on both Port 0 and Port 3. Your desktop GCS can request it on either port. There is no need to set that in the APM_Config.h file anymore.
  • 3D Robotics
    Rana, try the latest APM 2.011 and Mission Planner code in the download section. We've fixed a few bugs and otherwise polished it off a bit more. It works great for me.
  • Developer


     to answer your questions

    1. Absolute is the height above sea level.  ie if the groundlevel was 500 and you would need to put 600 to fly 100m above ground level.

    When the box is not ticked (like the picture) that will fly 100m above your home position.

    2. Lock is for changing the position. If you drag a point it will move accordingly, if you wanted to change a point to some where else on the map but not drag it. you unclick lock and select the row, and click the map it will adjust it to those coords. If lock was enabled then it would have created a new point instead.

    3. Verify height uses google earth data to check all height as you click on the map.... (Internet required.)


  • your biggest dependancy is how much info your trying to stuff down your 56k connection... try upping your xbees to 115200 and using a custom apm_config.h. also you shouldnt try running 2 gcs's on usb and telemetry at the same time... hil and gcs yes... but two gcs's wouldnt be normal for in flight senerios.
  • I have a few questions about the mission planner as I cannot get the plane to fly to the way points with it, I have a bit more success using Qgroundcontrol.


    1. Absolute Alt is altitude of ground above sea-level + alt of plane, Right?

           In the example pic above the plane will fly 100 meters above the ground?


    2 What is  Lock


    I can read the waypoints and they load correctly,

    So I should just turn the transmitter switch to auto and it should fly to the coordinates, RIght?



  • Thanks for the answer Chris! sounds good.
  • 3D Robotics
    Zach. No, it just handles the most common configurations of APM board types and HIL sim. Additional sensors are enabled via the CLI, including the magnetometer and current sensor, so no need for Arduino for them, either. We haven't added the airspeed sensor to that list, but certainly could in the next build.

    Going forward, we're looking to autodetect all of that, but it may not happen until the next IMU board, since it requires us to add pull-up resistors on all inputs so you can tell if a sensor is connected or not.
  • Does the 2.x code guess if optional stuff like airspeed wok out of the box with the auto load from the planner.
  • Yep, it was just me... it helps to have the telmetry port plugged into the right computer ! lol
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