"University of Texas at Austin-APM
The original flight computer for the custom autopilot burned-out a few weeks before competition and not being able to get a new SBC quickly, APM was used as a backup. Autonomous image recognition was working and APM…"
"Looks pretty cool.
It looks like it has a pretty high wing loading (high stall peed), judging by the way it lands.
This makes it hard to get above stall speed when hand-launching and when you power the motor bellow the stall-speed, the motor torque…"
"I have had several successful flights with the autopilot today and noticed that the restart command doesn't work and does exactly as Kririll described ( I'm now aware that it's a known issue)
Also, I was wondering if there is a way to make it…"
"Using the ardumega planner i set three waypoints and I walked the plane to the waypoints in auto mode, looking at the GCS it shows when i reach waypoint1 it changed to waypoint two and then once waypoint two is reached it shows waypoint three,…"
"Just noticed that my loiter radius was very small three(3)
I tried to change it in the APM mission planner to thirty (30) and clicked (Read Waypoints) to confirm that it showed thirty (30) and it did. (using xbees and port 3)
However, I checked it…"
The last time I tried to fly with the autopilot I simply added one waypoint for it to CMD_LOITER in the mission planner. I turn on the autopilot and it looks like it flys to the waypoint and then it cuts the throttle and starts decending…"
"I have been able to upload waypoints with the mission planner via xbee port 3, However it looks like it goes to the waypoint (which I set to loiter) and then returns home.
Also it dosen't seem like the home location can be changed
"I have a few questions about the mission planner as I cannot get the plane to fly to the way points with it, I have a bit more success using Qgroundcontrol.
1. Absolute Alt is altitude of ground above sea-level + alt of plane, Right?
In the…"