3D Robotics

APM 2.011 Beta released

3689395499?profile=originalAs part of the continuing APM 2.0 beta test program, we've released another package of updated APM software: New versions of the APM 2.0 beta code (2.01), Mission Planner (0.4.16) and HappyKillmore GCS (1.2.43).


Please upgrade your system to the latest code, which includes bug fixes, a few new features and improved stability. To be safe, load the code into Arduino and compile it as usual; the automatic firmware loading process may not always bring in the latest code during this beta testing period. [UPDATE; the Mission Planner will now load the latest firmware automatically, so no need to use Arduino or download the code yourself.]


New features include:

--More Action Commands implemented. 3689395418?profile=originalAs shown at right, we've added back some commands that you can issue in-flight via the HK GCS. More commands will be coming soon.

--More effecient memory handling allows APM to run MAVlink on Port 0 (USB) and Port 3 (Xbee) simultaneously without risk of memory overrun.

--Lots of improvement to the Mission Planner. Altitude in 3D waypoints should now be properly displayed.


Known issues:

--Some modes are not being reported correctly in HK GCS. Stabilize is being reported as "Guided", for example. We know how to fix this and it will be right in the next build.

--Writing waypoints via MAVLink in the Mission Planner is still sometimes unreliable. If you're having trouble, close it and reopen and try again.

--Vehicle Number is still being reported as 7, rather than 1. We'll fix that in the next build.


We'll be releasing new code each week for the duration of the beta test process. Expect a final Release Candidate by mid-April. As always, keep the bug reports and other feedback coming! (Bug reports to the Issue Tracker, please)







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  • 3D Robotics
    Marlan, did you read my comment?
  • how do you issue a restart command, is this in the in the AMP GCS?



  • 3D Robotics
    Marlan, that is the expected behavior. Once it finishes the mission, it goes back to home. If you want it to restart the mission, issue a restart command via the GCS (I'm not sure if that's enabled in the current HK GCS, but it's built into APM and will be supported by all the clients when APM 2.0 hits final release in a couple weeks)
  • Using the ardumega planner i set three waypoints and I walked the plane to the waypoints in auto mode,  looking at the GCS it shows when i reach waypoint1 it changed to waypoint two and then once waypoint  two is reached it shows  waypoint three, however when waypoint three is reached the GSC switches from auto to loiter and will only change back to waypoint 1 if i reset the autopilot. 

    Is there a different command used for the last waypoint so it will go back to waypoint one?

  • just found out I did not properly set up the radio, throttle seems to be working, have not tried to fly yet
  • I tried the autopilot yesterday again and made sure I had the latest uploads(Ardupilot Mega 2.011-Beta), and set all the settings back to default.


    I started the plane at a high altitude and it would glide to the first waypoint and then to the second where it would circle that waypoint dropping altatude at the same time.

    I noticed that the throttle would never pick up (it sounded like 10% throttle) so it would just loose altitude when it was navigating. I tried everything in the throttle settings but could not change the throttle




  • Developer

    OK i have found the problem. If you used my firmware uploader please use it again, as it was uploading an older version, the Beta-2.0 sketchbook and not the code Chris released. This is now fixed.

  • Michael, I am using XBee Pro 60mW Wire Antenna, you are very true on that part that @57600 baud, some times data is getting lost. What I can check again to change the baud of my X-Bee's to 115200 and then try again and see what improvement is there.

  • Developer
    Rana, are you running the default baud rate, on xbee?  From what im seeing is looks like data over your xbee's is being lost/messed up. What frequency and model are you xbees? data being sent is getting there fine, but data comming from your apm seems to be getting missed. You do have the default settings on your xbees?
  • 3D Robotics
    Rana: No, the Ardustation firmware is not currently compatible with APM 2.0. But it's open source, so I expect the community will update the code to support MAVLink.
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