The ardupilot development team is proud to announce the release of version 3.1.1 of APM:Plane. This is primarily a bugfix release with a small number of new features.
The main bug fixed in this release is a bug that could affect saving parameters and mission items in the FRAM/eeprom storage of PX4v1/Pixhawk/VRBrain. The bug has been in the code since January 2013 and did not cause problems very often (which is why it hasn't been noticed till now), but when it does happen it causes changes to parameters or mission items not to be saved on a reboot.
Other changes in this release:
- support for using a Lidar for landing for terrain altitude (see the RNGFND_LANDING parameter)
- improvements in the landing approach code, especially the glide slope calculation
- added LAND_FLAP_PERCENT and TKOFF_FLAP_PCNT parameters, to control the amount of flaps to use on takeoff and landing
- the default WP_RADIUS has been raised from 30 to 90. Note that the L1 controller may choose to turn after the WP_RADIUS is reached. The WP_RADIUS only controls the earliest point at which the turn can happen, so a larger WP_RADIUS usually leads to better flight paths, especially for faster aircraft.
- send gyro and accel status separately to the GCS (thanks to Randy)
- support setting the acceptance radius in mission waypoints (in parameter 2), which allows for better control of waypoints where actions such as servo release will happen
- fixed GPS time offset in HIL
- added RELAY_DEFAULT parameter, allowing control of relay state on boot
- fixed sdcard logging on PX4v1
- added GPS_SBAS_MODE and GPS_MIN_ELEV parameters for better control of the use of SBAS and the GPS elevation mask for advanced users
Happy flying!
HI Tridge, i had been flying my craft with APM2.6 using AP3.0.1. Lately there has been a altitude error of 18 mts. i have the mission planned for all way points as 80 meters.But the craft is maintaining 98m. even in loiter after RTL the craft is maintaining 98meters. besides this the craft is flying perfectly ion Auto, Loiter, RTL, auto takeoff. could this be a defective baro?
Hi Tridge,
If we want to build this for PixHawk which version of PX4Firmware and PX4NuttX do we use. Is there is a way to figure out how to map ArduPlane release with the support software release?
Keep up the great work man!
Miam Miam. What's a cheap/good Lidar to advise ?
Thanks Andrew!
@Dave, yes, it does. It just doesn't have detailed documentation yet.
@Postal, great! I haven't yet written the wiki page on using a Lidar for landing, and there are quite a few things that need tuning. I may not get time to write it till after the OBC.
Cheers, Tridge
Ordering Lidar! =)