From BlueRobotics, a cool ROV that works with APM and the Robot Operating System (ROS.
Here it is with APM inside:
And here it is in action:
From BlueRobotics, a cool ROV that works with APM and the Robot Operating System (ROS.
Here it is with APM inside:
And here it is in action:
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Hi Doyle,
You ought to join the DIY Drones ArduBoat User Group and share your ROV Project with the other members.
Hi Doyle,
Always glad to help out a fellow submariner.
I recommend that you take a look at my ROV Project on DIY Drones.
Retired Command Masterchief (Submarines)
You will need an APM2.6 or equivalent to control the ESCs that drive the Thrusters.
The RPi will talk to the APM2.6 using MavLink over the telemetry connection.
Software is here
I assume that you already have the Thrusters, Chassis, ESCs, and batteries?
Can someone provide the Build of Materials for this control?
I just purchased a Raspberry Pi B+ and Pi Camera. What else should I get?
Please include suggestions!
This is a really nice ROV, really happy to see that the BlueRobotics guys have been so successful with their motor prop units.
No small feat, everything is difficult in salt water.
This is an excellent platform for development and I think you actually could design a reasonably autonomous ROV using their platform.
Of course, GPS is of very little use unless you want to surface every once in a while or send one up on a tether.
But in addition to stabilization and direction offered by the APMs Gyros, Accels and compass, it could be interesting to put in an actual scanning or imaging SONAR.
SONAR works a hell of a lot better in this environment than it ever did in our aerial vehicles.and there are several manufacturers who make inexpensive phased array scanning SONARs like the Garmin ClearVu series for boat navigation and fishing.
When I lived in Key Largo I used Garmin's first design of scanning phased array SONAR to find good diving spots and it worked great. (I still have it too.)
It could do some interesting environment relative autonomous navigation.
And you could add a sonic transducer to your boat.
And of course the transducer could provide GPS info to the submerged ROV.
Just a few thoughts, but it's only a matter of time.
Best regards,
The barometer on the APM could be useful for detecting a leak in the WTC. Better than using a micro switch and an aspirin if you ask me. I agree with Tom that the APM would also take a bit of the work load off the pilot. I may have to get another toy.
David R. Boulanger
Personally I don't see the benefit of using APM to keep an underwater ROV stable. The same thing can be easily accomplished by properly centering the buoyancy and ballast where the vehicle has a long righting arm. As for barometer and GPS, these won't function underwater. The only reason I can think that someone might pick APM or ROS for an ROV is if they already have the hardware and/or are familiar with it as a development platform.
I, on the other hand, hope to take a much "lower tech" approach. I will be using the same Blue Robotics thrusters, but the electronics will be more in keeping with what is typically used in the ROV industry.
My spare APMs are waiting for the water.
But, I need three more thrusters in addition to cloud funding three thrusters.
Do we need tether wire ?
Sharing Jiro's sentiment- amazing agility! ROVs have been on my list for a while, and now is looking like a prime time to get my feet wet... :)