
Arducopter Beta 2.0.38



Please note that the initialization of Gyros was requested to move to the Arming function. This had the unintended consequence of making the Ground Station report erroneous attitude until the unit is armed at least once. This is changed already in the next version 2.0.39 which is still in development. Thanks.


This is a nice update and is recommended for everyone. I've gotten a half dozen flight in with it and have had good success. I'll be incorporating some of the ideas mentioned in the suggestions post over the next few versions. 


What's new:

I reworked the startup so it's much faster. Also, a feature a lot of folks wanted, calibrating the IMU at first Arming is in there. If you hand launch, please do your first arming of the motors on the ground.

I enabled a mode filter for sonar. Not too thoroughly tested performance wise, but it does work. (note, if you rely on the rangefinder class, you must rework your code to be compatible.)

RTL bugs are squashed and it's flying really well now.

Added a special filter in the PID for the derivative term to get rid of the alt hold and loiter issues from noisy sensors. 

Added a completely experimental mode called circle. It will by default spin the copter in a 10m circle from the point at which it was engaged. And it will Yaw towards that point at all times.

Yaw while navigating happens at quarter speed, which was problematic before.

Roll and Pitch Imax are higher 5° than before (.5°)

Logging seems to work now. Please erase the log after installing.

Everything else is mentioned on the SVN.


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  • 3D Robotics
    Paul: yes. Z is gravity! (which is an acceleration) If you turn your copter sideways, one of the other accels will show -1000 and if you turn it upside down, the Z will be +1000
  • yep just armed. it works. went to RAW sensor and i see accel Z "orange line" at -1000. is this normal?
  • great thanks will give it shot now. would you know how to test CG on a quad?

  • Arm your motors and the apm/IMU will calibrate adjusting the HUD. This is normal with v38 and will be resolved in a next version.

  • confirmed. just installed firmware again and setup again. raw sensor is going nuts! something wrong with mission planner? i was just using .37 today but for a bit, was windy so couldn't really get a good video to show good function of the quad. however i did notice while using .37 i had to trim it forward alot! ive check the frame and motors everything looks align and CG seems ok but is there a way to test good CG on quad's? and or where would you put the bubble on quad to show a good reading of a level quad?


    yes there are a few questions above. sorry.

  • just loaded .38. i go into FLIGHT DATA and the main HUD is going crazy. from altitude up and down. why? i did a new setup too.
  • do you get GPS 3D lock ?
  • Developer
    You need to compile for Heli's. It's not a default option in Arduino. See the config.h file and refine the proper frame type in APM_Config.h

  • When I upload the code through adruino..Im not finding the heli option in the setup menu!  I have a traditional heli and was wanting to try out the new filters in .38


    However If Ioad the code through the planner.  I get heli option in the setup menu.  Which is weird. 


    So my problem is  I need to make some basic changes to the code.  Mostly I need to up the slew rate.  and then reverse the roll on the camera gimbal. I can only make modifications to the code through adruino...

    thanks for any insite into this. 

  • Can you roll .38 back?  If so how? I updated and have some esc arming probs and i'm trouble shooting so I'm not saying it's the update- actually I think its my board, its been through hell...When I get the esc's happy the thing flys fine so far...

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