I know, i know. I'm the worse person in the world to write tutorials (and also to respond comments, emails and posts), but i promise i will do my best. Community I need your suggestions: do you prefer word documents that can be converted to PDF, with revisions, editions etc? Or only a simple post with images?

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  • A picture is worth a thousand words - I think that a picture(s) with labels (like the one above) works very well.
  • Either way is fine (pdf vs. post). Although I don't mind MS Word documents, this would be my least favorite option due to increased risk of viruses, etc. Actually from standpoint of "security" risk I would orderem them as :
    - post (least likely)
    -pdf (yes you can "catch" bad exploits and other bad stuff from pdf files)
    -MS Word
  • Developer
    Jordi .pdf files would work fine.
  • I prefer Picture. I think the picture show how it´s done.
    Regards, Edson
  • Admin
    Hi Jordi,

    I just received my two Ardupilot Shields in the mail this afternoon and I live in north TX!

    I am in the process of attaching the female headers to the Shield boards as I type this.

    I recommend that the female headers be mounted on their respective male headers, the Shield board aligned to the solder tails on the female headers, and the solder tails soldered to the Shield board pads. This way the Shield board female headers are perfectly aligned to the male headers on the Ardupilot board.

    I think that it is best to attach the female headers first and then solder in any male headers on the top. The FTDI header will be easy to solder since it is on the outside of the female header. The other male headers (wires) may be tough to solder since they are on the inside of the female headers towards the center of the board.

  • If it was Arabic, you could probably make a billion dollars & retire.
  • English is overrated. Spanish speakers with reasonable English are a better deal than English speakers with public school Spanish. People who only do English & public school French are screwed.
  • Developer
    Both can be updated.
  • Hi:
    I prefer, which are documents that can be updated
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