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  • 3D Robotics
    Update: I figured out TortiseSVN. The code is now up there in a proper repository.
  • 3D Robotics
    @gman. Many thanks for the suggestion, but it looks like VisualSVN is just a Visual Studio plugin, and we don't use Visual Studio (we use the Arduino IDE instead).
  • Hey Chris, I have done some work with Repositories in the past. TortiseSVN is common, but I found it to be not user friendly. The best solution I have for you is to use VisualSVN. You will be surprised at how user friendly it is. I would link it, but I am not sure if you are against linking, so search VisualSVN, go to it's website, and click the tab for VisualSVN Server, and you should be able to navigate from there.
    Good luck, let me know if you have any problems.
  • 3D Robotics
    @Venom. Actually, we just uploaded the archive file. Neither Jordi or I are familiar enough with Subversion (or TortiseSVN, which I'm using) to create a proper repository--it's pretty baffling. Do you have any tips for us?
  • 3D Robotics
    @Venom: We've put all the code in a Google Code repository (see links on the ArduPilot home page) under an Apache 2.0 license (it seemed like the most flexible license). It's all under subversion control. Anything else you'd like us to do? Delighted to have you onboard and branching is very welcome!
  • It depends really. SourceForge has fallen out of favor a bit, but it's a fine choice.
  • 3D Robotics

    That's a great idea and I've just been too lazy to do it. I was thinking of using SourceForge. That sound like the right way to go?
  • Have you thought about the licensing for this? I would think you'd want to offer the code as LGPL in case someone wants to modify it, or use it for other purposes. The code looks like a great start, I've looked through the code and have a some comments/suggestions. First off, have you considered putting it into revision control, something like subversion? This would help greatly if someone wants to branch the code and add something like additional altitude or airspeed sensors (something I'd like to do). You could even track the Pro version off the same code base (changes and corrections made in one would propagate to the other).
  • Are you still looking for beta testers for the ArduPilot?
  • Thanks I was not setting the fuses properly. I am using the AVRISPmkII programmer and thought that if I set them in the Fuses section and in the LockBits section and then programmed the chip with the bootloader in the Progam section ths would also progam all the fuses but it appears that you have to use the Program buttons in each section.
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