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  • 3D Robotics
    There is no connection between failsafe1.6 and ArduPilot 2.2. Different chips and no interaction between them (by design!). Failsafe 1.6 is just for experts, and we really don't want beginners trying to mess around with AVR programmers and AVR Studio. We don't ship the board pre-;loaded with 1.6 because it needs to be tweaked for different radio systems--it would be a tech support nightmare. 1.5 is fine for most people.
  • Developer
    Looking good! What I would say is missing, is a layout of hardware functionality. A simple diagram drawing and description on how the different parts are working together like gps, i/o, servo, fail-safe (multiplexer, attiny), etc. It would make it easier to get the whole picture of how the system works, for someone new to the Ardupilot.
  • Chris,
    This is excellent! Just what is needed to avoid having to navigate this ever growing/complex network for the essential set up info. I've made a major change to my EasyGlider, ordered the latest board and shield kit in anticipation of the official 2.2 release and I'm looking forward to continuing my test flights.
  • 3D Robotics
    Hi David,

    Great suggestions. I'll fix those asap. As for the FailSafe 1.6 code, this is only for people who have and AVR programmer and are able to modify code and compile it in C using AVRStudio. In short, it's for pros only and would only confuse people if I put it in the manual. We really don't want most people touching the MUX firmware.
  • Chris, unless I missed it, where do you enter the desired airspeed to maintain?
  • 3D Robotics
    I should have noted that I hope the manual will eventually live as a wiki, which can be updated by the community. Explaining the code would be a big part of that. It's beyond the scope of a traditional manual.
  • Thank you Chris. Excellent guide for those who started or will start this project. This will help others enter it with less difficulties. With further developments/expansion of the features/applications, this manual can be later updated by the community.

    On my "wish list", it would be great to have a programming flow chart in plain English. This would allow for some of us newbies to understand the more intricate steps and also aid development.

    For example:

    1. read a value for a

    2. read a value for b

    3. if a = 0 then print the message ”Invalid value for a” goto line 5

    4. if a = 0 then print the solution: ”The solution is x = −b/a.

    5. stop.
  • Moderator
    very very nice... ;-)
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