By popular demand, ArduPilot Mega is now available as an all-in-one kit for $250. It includes everything you need for a functioning autopilot with GPS, even including RC cables.
We'll soon be offering wireless telemetry options for this, too, along with a ArduCopter version that comes with a magnetometer. A pre-soldered version of APM will also be available in a month or so, once we put in place a rock-solid testing process.
In the meantime, you can buy APM pre-soldered with code loaded and tested from uDrones for $349.
Here is the main use for my ftdi cable though...
1) Why would anyone need an FTDI cable? APM is USB native.
2) The DIY Drones factory makes its own APM boards now.
This is a great idea. A couple of questions:
- Was consideration made to include the FTDI programmer cable? Most people starting out will need one of these too.
- Is the APM purchased from Sparkfun and included in the kit or does the store now make these too?
I have put together a few Arduino shields, but i'm not a pro solderer, by any means. Is it reasonable that i'd be able to put together this kit properly, or would you advise me to wait for the pre-soldered version?
I'm willing (and interested) to try, i'm just worried about my ability to properly test it afterwards to ensure everything is running properly. I don't want to have long-term issues due to my soldering ability (never mind my flying abilities!). Are there self-tests that can be run to verify all systems after assembly?