AUAV is proud to announce our latest high quality PixHawk derivative - The XRacer V1. This project was developed in cooperation with Lorenz Meier, David Sidrane, Leonard Hall and many others. This board combines the latest IMU offerings from InvenSense and a large number of capabilities in a micro 36mmx36mm form factor.
Below are some pictures to peak your interest.
XRacer V1 specifications:
- MCU - STM32F427VIT6 rev.3
- FRAM - FM25V02-G
- Ultra low noise LDOs for sensors and FMU
- Sensors used - MPU9250, HMC5983 ( optional ), ICM20608 ( optional ), baro MS5611
- Connectors - GPS+I2C, RC-IN, PPM-IN, RSSI, SBus-IN, Spektrum-IN, USART3 ( TxD, RxD, CTS, RTS ), USART2 ( TxD, RxD, CTS, RTS ), FRSky-IN, FRSky-OUT, CAN, USART8 ( TxD, RxD ), ESP8266 ( full set ), SERVO1-SERVO6, USART7 ( TxD, RxD ), JTAG ( SWDIO, SWCLK ), POWER-BRICK ( VDD, Voltage, Current, GND ), BUZZER-LED_BUTTON
- MicroSD card reader
- Micro USB
- ESP8266 802.11bgn ( optional )
- Dimensions - 36 x 36mm with 30.5 x 30.5mm hole grid with 3.2mm holes
- Molex Clik-Mate ( JST GH series ) connectors for easy peripheral connect.
- Full set of ready made cables for almost any peripheral module.
- Power supply - 5-5.5VDC from USB or PowerBrick connector. Soon the ACSP4 ( 36 x 36mm power distribution, current, voltage sensor with 5V/2.5A ultra low noise buck and 12V/2A ultra low noise buck ) companion will be announced.
The price and availability will be announced within a few weeks.
Thank you again for your support.
Phil and Nick
Tridge and I received our XRacer boards recently and got ardupilot working on it (Tridge did all the patches, I was just the test pilot). Here's a video of the first flight using only AltHold and Stabilize. Since then we have Loiter, Auto and the telemetry working as well.
Dear Nick Arsov, Thank you for your contribution to the open source hardware and APM team.Waiting for you to publish a schematic.
Dear Nick Arsov, I am interested in the schematic of XRacer, If the schematic will be open source, Can you send me a copy of the schematic for research? Thank you very much! My mailbox is
If "RC-IN" means that there's are PWM inputs, I would think those would be easier to serve double duty as PWM output pins for those that use single-input receivers (PPM, SBus, etc).
Hi Thorsten,
Also if not using the ESP8266, you have 6 additional I/O pins. I hope there will be option in the setup to use them for something else.
if you're using a quad, you have 2 free pins
Are there any auxiliary outputs available for triggering cameras, controlling gimbals etc?