After more than a 1,000 commits and many thousand lines of code, the public beta of the ArduPilotMega code is now out. You can get it here. Note that the new libraries requires a slightly different installation process, so read the manual so you can put the libraries in the right folder. The code won't compile if you don't. Also, you'll need to be using Arduino 19 or higher.
New features include:
- An awesome command-line interpreter (CLI) running on APM, which allows you to make most common configurations and setup without having to recompile the code.
- The CLI also allows you to interactively test all your hardware components--no messing with Arduino code or configuration files if you don't want to!
- Powerful new scripting commands and flight options.
- New FastSerial code, replacing the standard Arduino serial code, which makes serial communications lightning fast.
- The entire code has been re-architected to use libraries, which are shared across the ArduPilot projects. That way we can improve everything from GPS parsers to basic DCM routines and all the projects will immediately inherit the improvements. That not only means better code for everyone, but much easier maintenance for the team.
Speaking of the team, special thanks to the core APM dev team that put in so much work and creativity to get us here. These guys have worked tirelessly on this, with daily coding sessions and weekly dev conference calls, all year. This is a huge project, perhaps the most complex Arduino code ever written, and these are the stars who led it:
- Jason Short
- Michael Smith
- Doug Weibel
With help from some ArduCopter team members:
- Jose Julio
- Jani Hirvinen
Config utility wizadry from:
- Michael Oborne
- Ted Carancho (ArduCopter Configurator)
As always, please report all bugs and problems in the Issue Tracker. The developers can't respond to bug reports in blog comments and discussion forums.
Will the "Sketchbook" in the SVN remain ? What a great way to keep up to date!
Outstanding and Thanks.
When I run it (electicity by usb) the LEDs A, B and C blink regularly alltogether. Is this ok and a sign of having recieved a GPS lock?
Thanks for the good work!