Here is a quick preview of my next frame for ArduCopterMega. That is my Tri-Copter frame with the old landing skids (t-rex 500) from first quad frame. I just need to rewire ECS :) And its ready to fly.
Arms are 15X15mm 1mm thick and 500mm long.
10X4.7 BC2836-11 750KV 30A ESC 4S 3000mah lipo.
correct me if I am wrong.
I didn't get why the coax set up works on helis.
Lets introduce another parameter:
How about putting a higher Kv motor on the bottom?
There is UP/DOWN drift when YAWing, because of the speed difference :) we need do some fine tuning.
But it fly well on default ACM PIDs and 3S lipo (but its a bit lazy) 4S is grate but it need lower P (0.5 or 0.4)
I'm waiting for 12X4.5 props for more testing..
There was a suggestion to use 12X4.5 on TOP, and 10X4.5 BOTTOM, and also run them a different speed, more on that when I'll get the props :) ( my frame have 50CM arms, so 12X4.5 props for all motors, probably the best for that size )
There will be more info after this weekend :)))
How's the flight testing going? Are you pleased with the result?
And is different speed for top and bottom rotors working?
I can confirm this is flying like a quad, I have one built, flying with a KK controller.
I'm not into programming, just a newbee on programming, but into mechanical construction.....I like to experiment whith different setups on frames. I have been waiting for a code for my arduinopilot and DIY shield that I can use with my Y6.......I really like the way this Y6 flies, but I would like to have the opportunities Ardupilot do have...especially auto levelling and auto stabilization for filming and photo.
It flys same as quad, you add power to left motors and it will fly to right ....
Do you have Y6 frame ready to fly ?
@sebastian sorry I did not pose the question properly. I meant sideways flight , left and right.