Better log analyzer for APM

I made a program that shows log data in visual way. I can see plane position, altitude, elevator, ailerons etc.

Here are some screenshots from program:

My plane made strange curves during flight. All curves are in the same places. After a very careful check I found an error in APM navigation code. It is now corrected in version 2.21 (In downloads section there is still the version 2.20, and there is the error.) Issue 376



First flight attempts can be quite curvy. Probably Nav_Roll P value is too big?


It seems that I must make also Nav_Pitch_Alt_Pid smaller... ?
GPS altitude (violet line) is rather slow? Air pressure altitude is probably quite ok.
Sometimes GPS altitude jumps quickly. In the last column are the values, and there is sudden 70 meters jump.

You can download this program from the address

Normally only part of the flight data is saved to log. I have changed settings so that also CTUN and NTUN are saved. This is done easily in APM Planner and there in Configuration: I changed LOG_BITMASK to 382.
PS. It was impossible to analyze flight data in the field with laptop, touchpad and very poor internet connetions. I made this program with quick and dirty method, so there may be errors.
PPS. NO, I will not make modifications or corrections to this program, but please ask Michael Oborne to make similar system to APM Planner... :-)

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  • I have not updated the program. But look this:

  • Does this program still work with ArduPlane2.40 or Arducopter2.6, both using MAVLINK1.0? I get an error message when loading my logs from the plane, and I haven't tried the log from my quad since Dany mentioned it wasn't working properly for quadcopter logs. I would LOVE to see this integrated into the Mission Planner software! Tuning multicopters would be much easier and accurate with this tool, rather than just going by look, sound, and feel. 

  • 3D Robotics

    APM 2.21 source code is now in the download section.

  • Nice, Thanks for doing that.

  • Distributor
    Wow! this tool is amazing! now if only Michael Oborne can make it compatible with quad copter logs... (they look quite strange at the moment... ) for example the throttle is either 0 or 100%, nothing in between... hey it could very well be my logs that are not too nice... but I really LIKE this tool! it's visual!
    of course there would be many little changes I would like to see but Alpo already said he doesn't want to do it... :)
    Micheal, tell us that you will see what you can do please!! :)

  • Distributor
    My bad... just saw that there is a setup... :) trying it now!!!
  • Distributor
    Any way you can publish an .exe instead of the code? that would help...
  • Yes, many of us are using code from download section. It is easiest to get from there.

    APM1280 code space is full, so we must reduce code. Then we can add our own modifications. For example the flight route in these pictures is made automatically with code.

  • Program is made with Visual Basic 2008.

    Code is here

    Open solution LogBrowser.sln. In the code there are not very many comment lines... Program does not use any external components, everything is made with basic code.

  • 3D Robotics
    If you upload the firmware the normal way, via the Mission Planner, you will always get the latest version (2.21 in this case). The latest version is always in the SVR repository, too. I haven't updated the zip file in the download section recently (I'm on vacation and just have my iPad with me), but will do on my return. I just forgot that anyone was using that ;-)
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