We are in the process of making some significant changes to our site layout and content to improve the overall ease-of-use experience here at DIY Drones.
As part of that effort, we wanted to put out the first section of the site that is ready for community-wide peer review. You can see the updates at:
We need to add the footer, and a few other small things, but we want your input!
Please take a look through the site and the wiki, and submit your feedback to:
We'll do our best to keep up with the comments here, but using the address above will definitely get noticed.
Thank you!
That's where you (et.al.) come in Robert
; )
Looks pretty good!
But uh... any plans to add all the TradHeli stuff to the wiki?
The comments will be closed, there will be an open forum and we'll add wiki section so all the wiki/support discussion will be there.
Please understand that more images are coming and some of the deeper sections haven't gotten a streamlining re-write yet. We were able to remove thousands of words, and hopefully keep all the information intact.
The goal is for this to be a solid foundation, while still leaving a bloody-edge for everyone to graft with.
A wiki is never done!
So far so good , keep going...
Looks great so far, great work!
Nice to see that an open source company is also using other open source projects too like word press spree :-D
I was just wondering why do only some of the places have a comment section to ask questions?