Biomechanical simulation of dung beetles

I design it to carry Relief goods to disaster city while hurtling the desert for long periods.

« explanation »
 - Fore legs decide traveling direction.
 - Mid legs which is most close to the centroid take most traction and load.
 - Hind legs are auxiliary legs for moving the left and right legs alternately and if they do not function, proceeds as butterfly stroke.

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  • I am of the same opinion.

    This is that light weight and tenacious material is important. we need also research of tribology.
    Ten years ago, I joined the mechanical horse project of actual size. Master François Junod taught several key points to me. Mainstream approach at the time we used the aluminum frame for the inside of the body and the glass fiber for the exterior. Each Joint was very function smoothly. He also tested the suppleness by shaking vigorously the finished mechanical body. He was very pleased with the result.

    Recently I have also focused on nanotechnology.

  • Developer

    I guess the big challenge will be making actual mechanics that are efficient and light, but still robust enough to work in real world applications and survive bumping into things etc.

  • Yes, this is an application example of CGI.
    There are two benefits by the 3D technologies. that is visualisation and flexible manufacturing.
    In the medical world, diagnosis of 3D computer graphics such as MRI is very important before the surgery.
    In the same way, looking at my videos, we can found improvements points before the physical production and can fix quickly. 
    In this way, I am interested in the future of individual production. I am careful now. How enhance the quality of our DIY production? It's under investigation.

    However, I am not interested in the current large-scale industry like Disney or Volkswagen factory. Because they can not flexible development.

  • I think you may have a bright future in CGI. Pixar or Disney or who ever makes movies.

  • Thank you so much. I'm sharing your feelings. LOL

    There is more horrible creatures of our world...

    For the following millipedes mechanism design, (it's not photo realistic. safety)

    I watched any multipedes videos more than 100 times. People around me was scared.

  • Developer

    Creepy.  I look forward to seeing a physical implementation!

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