Once in a while a need a new copter, this time it had to be a very small Y6 copter. It is meant for FPV flying, and that really works very good! It fits through really small holes, and it flies very precisely. It is my first Y6, and I am pretty much convinced by this concept. Ok, well, flight time is an issue.. I get 6:30 min with 1000mAh, but that is still reasonable for such an aerodynamic disaster.
Some more pictures can be found here:
Some data:
Max. dimension 21cm
Roxxy 1815/25
Airace propellers
"CCD-Killer" CMOS FPV camera
mGUIDE controller
Turnigy Plush 6A ESCs + I²C->PWM micro converters
3S 1000 mAh battery
274g icl. battery & FPV equipment
Can you confurm the thickness of carbon fibre sheet you use?
Thanks, good tip, had not seen that site before...
It seems that hobbyking stacks a decent selection of 2-blade counter-rotating props (small sizes) latetly - they require a bit of balancing, and you would probably need prop savers to mount them...
Hi William,
Very impressive! The stability is outstanding!
Incidentally, where do you source adxrs 610's? I seems that Sparkun and most other places stopped selling them...
Thank you very much! That will be invested in two gyroscopes for a stand-alone roll/ pitch compensated GoPro mount that I am developing at the moment :-D
That is just freaking COOL!!! AWESOME!!
Why use a 3 bladed prop, as compared to 2? Would a two blade not be more efficient?
Skimming across the ground your altitude control looks very good.
Do you have any kind of active altitude feedback?