
Can this fly with any DOF or AP or gyros

Hi guys ,
saw this guy while grazing in the google land ,, his motivation and deication apart , I wonder what would he do or build if he ever lay his hands on diy APs or even couple of gyros or DOF!!!


I don't whether his gov trusted him or his intentions or his heli but the kids around sure do by looks of it :))
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  • Admin
    Ok finally found the guy who built and flew the home made heli. very impressive on the quality of flying and confidence he had on the machine, watch for the proximity of electrical poles and wires all around. the guy with load on his back walking down the road seems to eye the heli wishfully :) , I guess in some places , innovations and dreams do come true without regulations and what not killing it! ( I am not complaining)
    Here is the video of some who's dream flew high ,
    here is some one who is on his way
  • Admin
    No Imagination then there r no dreams, No dreams then No desire , No desire then No motivation and no motivation then no innovations , So no innovations then no engineering progress IMHO , so engineering comes in end of the line in my dreams,,,, :-)
  • Sikorsky was probably right, but that is a real shame as the imagination is usually considerably ahead of the engineering....

    Remember back when you thought you could build a VCR from a Compact Cassette recorder hooked up to the TV's antenna socket.... oh, just me then ;-)
  • Admin
    Hi Johathan,
    :)) , isn't that gr8 , I guess if every engineer , designer, and every one who had to do with mega budget planes from big names which are in mess ( project delays, loss of orders, gov bailouts etc ) is/are made to take the maidan test flight , how different would the outcome of the project?!!! :) Thanks for quote from Sikorsky.

    BTW , I guess for the same reasons( Sikorsky quote) , open forum projects like DIYdroness here and else were are doing better and taking sucessful technological steps in leaps and bounds than most of prof aviation industry coz we pay for our R & D including learning curve and in the end we have pure fun or tears with tons of memory to take home. this alone IMHO may/should make Gov in various places/countries to pay more attention to this hobby and motivate if not support DIY folks like us. Cheers
  • Good points Morli.

    I believe it was Sikorsky who said "At that time [1909] the chief engineer was almost always the chief test
    pilot as well. That had the fortunate result of eliminating poor engineering early in aviation"
  • Admin
    Hi Greg, Yes similar to this guy , I have seen another video of home made heli flying in street( china I guess by looks of guys around) which was not that different from the first one here and the technical challenges kept aside , he was flying at say 6-7 mt high up and down the street like you would drive a car or bicycle , and the over all flying quality & performance was pretty good ( the guy must have been heli pilot,as unlike the auto gyro guy , he was flying better than most helis I have seen flying), probably took the guy couple of years to build it in his garage but I guess it can be done if you are crazy and motivated enough and the home made heli was impressive , I will try to locate the video and share.
    Hi Mathew , no offense taken , I understood you point and in the original web site of this heli guy , all the posts said the same, Every one of the posts tried to find the fault in design and tried to impress with their knowledge of heli inards/working principles. Surely this guy wasn't Sikorsky I was talking about the big picture and the guy's desire that made him to sit inside the contraption and do try., I bet if he gets access to a working heli for a period of time to study closeup , he would probably hand carve all the mechanical parts and get the inadequacies in his contraption sorted out. The point I was highlighting was with regulations( I am sure they are good in general but..) and rules etc etc , may be some times innovations gets buried if not killed in all this, BTW the futuristic heli above is from company called Igarashidesign. Look at their other products in particular the bikes which are so cute but impractical, now comparing the amount of design quality and amount of work done, the knowledge/technology gap between the two designers are huge , yet both won't work, now isn't that a point to ponder, :)) Cheers
  • sorry Morli the hype on picture like that gets to me some times

    anyway yeah I'm more then sure someone can build a heli in their garage if they want to. that design you pointed (love that pic BTW) out could be done if you found the people with the skills to help you. honestly the computer controls wouldn't be all that different then for the small helis on this site for uavs.

    would love to see someone try myself.
    This guy actualy flew. Probably not allowed in China.
  • Admin
    Mathew ,
    The point in this STORY is the dedication and total focus in what you believe in, I am sure this contraption will not fly too, Also his gov grounded him and his heli any way. But do you think it is possible for some one to build a heli in garage without sophisticated gadgets and computer simulation expertise( forget kit helis and similar stuff) ? What about this design then ? will it fly really?


  • Sorry I've read this forum for awhile but this is my first post and may make me sound mean but I just have to say this is still a complete joke. Don’t get me wrong not putting the man down or anything (making anything with your own hands is never a bad thing in my book.) but its not a workable aircraft in anyway.

    The rotors are small and fixed pulse the tail has no control on it at all.

    Really this thing could never get off the ground and even if by some magic it could the only was to control it is the speed of the motor and that's it. its a nice piece of art and I would even say its would be a fun toy to play around with. But the man would've been better off making an autogyro with these parts which could really have flown.

    Honestly it would need to be completely built to be able to fly.
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