CAUTION ..I REALLY mean it !

3 years charging these lipo battries and no problem. 8-16-2013 my luck ran out. I was charging a 3 cell 2200 mah lipo while I worked at the computer.<br /
3 years charging these lipo battries and no problem. 8-16-2013 my luck ran out.
I was charging a 3 cell 2200 mah lipo while I worked at the computer.
It caught FIRE near me. Got it out the door just in time.
It burns HOT and long.
Could have burned the place down to the ground.
It Caught FIRE near me. Got it out the door just in time. It burns HOT and long.
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  • @Stone1295 

    Nice choice a lot of room for a very generous sand dump capacity . 

  • @ Thomas J Coyle III 

    They are getting a bit harder to find and expensive in the Very recent past here and most i find are in good to perfect condition but then i run in that crowd too :-) digging around  i found some i had bought almost 10 years ago ,30 cal cans just right for charging Lipo`s and at the time $5 US each .

  • I couldn't find a local source of ammo cans so I went with a metal toolbox similar to this one:

    Since it has a handle on it, it also makes a handy carrying case for transporting batts to the field. :-)



  • @Nick  This is one source of info. There are probably several others out there.

    How-To: Safe lipo preparation for disposal - TJinTech
    Home of TJinGuy's heli info
  • Admin


    Have you tried lately to find metal ammo cans that do not have rust holes at the seams?  All I have been able to find recently is heavy duty plastic ammo cans. I think that the metal ones are going out of style.


    TCIII Admin

  • Moderator

    @Helistorm they are smaller LiPos that's what happens in consumer devices but they can still cause impressive damage.

    Really battery care is day one stuff and should be addressed in some safety shizzle here somewhere. We should have a few online tests for people to complete so their basic knowledge can be demonstrated.

  • Charge in an ammo can with a bag of sand taped to the top ,this way you have an ignition it gets put out immediately ! It also stops the battery from "Traveling" energetically causing the TV destruction one member showed a pic of   (Yikes and expensive too) .

    I do not lock the box lid so i don`t get an even bigger potential blast 

  • Wow! I have a number of slightly swelled packs.. Time to get rid of some batteries! What is the best way to dispose of them?

  • T3
    I believe lipo's will burn in a vacuum as they generate the oxygen they need. That's why there are restrictions on cargo planes carrying them as they use halon as an extinguishing agent, halon chemically combines with oxygen to render it useless. My employers fire training tells us the best way to put out a lipo fire is water, as it removes the heat and thus stops a thermal runaway. Just don't spray on any high voltage components. I'd say the best thing you can do in your home is charge in a fireproof container, I'm going to start doing this...
  • I have been using this product, but I cannot say if it is effective since none of my batteries have caught fire. Thanks for the reminder to also place the container in the best place possible. Having a working, battery-operated smoke alarm very near the battery container would also be a good idea, since it's easy to get focused on something else and not be aware. Maybe a small shovel, too...

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