
How about reviving T3 contest?

Must use only free processing tools.

Minimal distance to takeoff 1km or a mile. Must follow the plane and maintain visual contact as per actual laws. Electric winged machines only. Extra points for motor-off gliding over target.








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  • Funny how quickly the Zeitgeist moves from Geiger counters to "compound of evil".
  • Basically, I would say the consept proposed is greate. bring it on !
  • T3

    "then the quality of the scan will depend on the textutre of a terrain and on the overlap (and helicopters will have advantages I guess as they can be slow). How would you equilize those parameters?"

    Here the terms are unequal. I suspect most of us will have blurry photos others will have grainy photos.

    We are going to learn how to achieve a clean set of images with reasonnable overlap. This is a challenge for us, and some of us are going learn how difficult it is to have a clean set of images. Ability to make a model of them is a proof of quality, and also a demonstration of unexpected reliability of the processing chain if some seemingly hopeless results turn out to be acceptable.

    You see, somehow you have to live with barely acceptable data quality and the flight is unique and not to be repeated. How bad it can be? Is it possible to make photos just before sunset? All interesting questions.

    Homemade helicopters I feel are not in advantage as they are shaking a lot and lack endurance to approach the subject form all angles withtut moving fast, at which point they are not any better than small foamy plane. Or maybe not true...

  • I've changed my mind, Krzysztof has convinced me. my3dscanner.com welcomes participants (if you guys come to terms which I doubt:) We will do our best to free up servers for your competition. But I have difficulty understanding the idea. If all participants have the same camera resolution (we can automatically re-size images to one say 8 MP standard), then the quality of the scan will depend on the textutre of a terrain and on the overlap (and helicopters will have advantages I guess as they can be slow). How would you equilize those parameters?  
  • 3692207523?profile=originalThis is my usual launch site (the bump inside the yellow line). The bump is where I stand to watch it fly and is approx 5m wide and 30m long. The yellow line is my test circuit I use to check everything is working and is the measurement in the corner. The red ring will be my compound of evil an old farm building. Home to CoE is approximately 500m.


    To save on walking my plotted course will include my test circuit and then zig zag over the compound of evil then go into the valley on the right side for my landing run. Total distance 4.41km

    All within VLOS and meets missions spec. Just a thought :)

  • Time for me to buy a GoPro it seems then xD
  • T3

    pix4d is far from free, they are quality service. moreover they are more about large scale DSM and ortophoto than single-building model.


    (300MB zip file size limit, good quality colored point cloud only)

    (colored point cloud output only, suggested max 300 photos)

    (meshed model, textured)

    (meshed model, max 18 photos, max 8000 triangles textured)

    (no typo here! free preview, point cloud only, slower, partially commercial)


    (point cloud only, max 61 images)



  • Clicking on the link in post you have saves from my3dscanner and from pix4d are there any other places we should know about for free DEM building?
  • As a challenge this is too much for quads/heli and as the community is both plane and quad/heli we need to diversify the event.

    Mission: Mapping your local "Compound of Evil" using at least 16 photos. For best results 80% overlap is needed so try to get this (Krzysztof said this in another thread).
    Bonuses should be assigned by vehicle type.
    Fixed wing craft will get 1 point extra for every 100m extra they fly on route and return from the target. Reaching a maximum of 20 points (10 on route, 10 return).
    Quad/Heli will get 1 point extra for every 10m extra they fly on route and return from the target. Reaching a maximum of 20 points (10 on route, 10 return).
  • To allow for both helicopters and fixed wings, maybe there could be defined two different "scales" for this round? E.g:

    - One for fixed wing as allready suggested

    - One where all measures (distances and altitude) are scaled down to e.g. 10%

    Complexity with regard to number of images, overlap, processing etc. should be identical

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