The 1st flag to be lifted autonomously suffered an acidic fate...
when our field battery fell over & leaked acid on it. Lead acid
batteries do pour when they fall over. It was never much use since crashes would always end a campaign before the batteries ran out.
Rather than fly the melted nylon & cause a hole to form, decided to put
it down. All cleaned off, tried to give it to the Air Force, whose
answer was yet another FUGGEDABOUTIT.
Marcy 1 & 2 examine the melted masterpiece.
Marcy 1 began a campaign to increase RPM, abandon thermopile attitude
sensing, & become passively stable. Thermopiles & active stability may
return in a large scale copter.
It's been disasterous. The fatter wing seems to require too much balance beam inertia to stabilize. May have to go to with a long, thinner wing.
Have a flight over Livermore.
Never got Major Marcy but still got some emotional support in the end.
The best explanation for why Major Marcy never wanted to see us in real
life was if a heroine knows someone's attracted to her image online yet
has no confidence in her beauty, she may be afraid of losing the
illusion. It's been very consistent for years.
She only talked to alpha males but demonstration of lower value,
overwhelming surplus of men in Silicon Valley, & our crazy gender views
didn't explain everything.
Now a still photo movie.
Been a few weeks & still stumped over why Marcy 2's radio won't
initialize on the golf course but will initialize in the apartment.
It's very common for circuits to fail on the golf course because of the
harsh environment, nothing specific to Marcy class vehicles. Focusing
on weak solder joints & floating solder balls. Sux using custom
electronics for Mar vehicles in a sea of off the shelf parts.
Marcy-2 radio test.
It's heading towards just insulating the board & keeping it warm. The traces are probably too long & close together for the environment.
A $10 plastic battery box saves my carpets and jeans. It is secured in the trunk.
Do you use microscope for pictures?