3D Robotics

DIY Drones live chat/podcast tonight at 9:00pm PST

Free video streaming by Ustream Tonight (Sunday) we'll do our fourth podcast, which everyone here is welcome to participate in by listening to the chat live above and commenting and asking questions via the DIY Drones chat function. We'll be starting at 9:00 PM PST and will probably go about 40 minutes. This week we'll by joined by Geoff Bower of the Stanford altitude record and will discuss: --The Stanford team's work --Other contests (the Outback Challenge is underway) and records --ArduPilot Mega roadmap --Favorite blogs posts of the week --And whatever other cool stuff comes up!
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  • 3D Robotics
    HappyK, I definitely appreciate the point, but I've got five kids and can't start until they've gone to bed (usually around 8:30 PM PST). I think if we're going to have an East Coast guest, we may start an hour earlier, but aside from that I can't think of any other time window that can work every week.

    But that's the reason we record them, so that people in other time zones can listen, even if they can't participate.
  • Chris, what about having these things a little earlier for the East coast crowd? It's tough for me to stay up until midnight for this to start!?!?
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