What's going on here? This is a "Virtual Venice UAV race". It's based on the DIYDrones T3 figure of 8 competition.
The screncast's purpose is to show how pilots can potentially fly their planes in different parts of the world, and then have their geo position and time base altered so that they end up racing side by side in Google Earth.
My spoken commentary is complete fiction. I just wanted to create the human emotions that a race meet, can engender. (I actually flew the same planes somewhere near Reading in the UK on two different days).
Now, using the latest flight analyzer, any group of MatrixPilot's can have a race together, although they may actually be on opposite sides of the world. In the future, all MAVLink compatible UAVs shoud be able to do this as well. (Someone still has to develop the software).
Nice voiceover! Very entertaining. :)
As all the others have said - Bravo!
The only surprise here is that there have not been 100 more comments!
That made for a very thrilling blog. I enjoyed every moment!
Thanks Pete! Loved the free entertainment! Keep up the great work!
Hehe really cool =)
hey hey really cool race ;) it makes me smile :)