Hello all,
We have done a preview of what we are planning to do the Skywalker X8 build during the course of the show.
Our first person to interview is Wayne Garris from TechPod and we will be hearing his story.
All of this will be done on Google Hangouts so if you would like to be part of the interview and ask them some questions please add diydronestv@gmail.com to your Google circles and we will invite you when the interview starts (This will happen hopefully within the next week or so)
Also subscribe to our channel here
This thing way to costly as peace of foam. Need what anyone width knowledge make molds and start selling it for half price. As i am living in Europe looking to buy that used model for cheaper price.
Yes we are building a launcher as well, very simple and easy launcher.
I have an x8 i have yet to fly because i'm afraid of the launch. Please cover that part too :)