Posted by Jordi Muñoz on October 1, 2009 at 11:00am
I just want to tell anybody whats going on:1.-Sales grew exponentially this month. The old store with a few sales a day and commodity to produce just a few units a week to keep it running NO longer exist. That means good changes here, more people over there and maybe extra external help.2.- I'm introducing the new ArduPilot Shield, has the labels corrected and a real mux to support all the GPS on the market, letting you upload code without disconnect it. I will offer four versions:-The economic version (Without 3.3V power regulator): Available with and without pressure sensor. This is the best option for uBlox + Adapters and EM406 owners that already have the old shield. The pressure sensor is expensive so you can rip it off from the old one to save some rupees.-Standard version (with 3.3V power regulator): Will be available with and without pressure sensor.-All available as a Kit.3.-The new ArduPilot Shields, uBloxs and uBlox adapters are stuck in China! Some kind of Dragon Christmas (National Day) will delay one week everything at least for the PCB's. Great! Sorry for the inconveniences!4.-For those who bought the Remzibi OSD, please patient, 30 units are on its way to the US and i will relay them to everybody after they have arrived, the USPS tracking is CP 11 628 509 5 PL. ;-)5-Today i will ship all the backordered ArduIMU's. Sorry for the delay!6-Please welcome 23 years old JB Aletky, he is part of DIYdrones store crew now, helping us packing, assembling and testing ArduPilots, he has a few R/C flight skills (LOL):
LOL...the holiday over there is called Golden Week and it is the BANE of all people who deal with production departments in China. Don't worry, it will be over this weekend, and everything will be back to normal.
Sorry but i guess i don't fully understand your question. What you mean with "Diy drone store is reliable"?
i just asked!!
i can wait
Welcome JB...nice!