
Hey everyone,

Quick update regarding dronemapper.com. Big thanks to all the best test users who have been helping me work out plenty of bugs and also get certain data formats more reliable. TLOG processing is working and now using the correct log fields, for the best results we have found you should have a magnetometer installed. :) There are a couple of cool new features:

  • SRTM3 DEM Data of your flight region, large and trimmed GeoTiffs are generated.
  • 3D Mosaic Blending, 3D DEM and 3D Model generation. (roughly based on Andrew Hazelden's approach)
  • Improved Ardu GPX/TLOG processing.
  • Improved "blended" 2D mosaic generation. Lots of bug fixes!
  • TLOG Processing via MAVLink Graph
Definitely a lot of work and refinement left but I am not so discouraged. :D
Output .PLY file downloaded and viewed in MeshLab. I hope to have an online viewer like Hypr3d shortly. 

Imagery Courtesy: Martin R.
Mikrokopter Platform: 43 Images, 25 Used in 3D Mode


Thanks to everyone involved.



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  • I've rewritten a bunch of the processing, now there are "true orthomosaic" generations along with full DTM/DEM/3D Mosaic, Point Cloud and Model. http://dronemapper.com/sample_data

  • @kb I just double checked your data, and your latest flight hasn't processed yet. thx for uploading it. It looks like you uploaded two different flights on 20120320. the first was 9 images into mosaic mode. 2nd screenshot and the 1st was 21 images with a EasyUAV log. maybe that will clear up some confusion. :) i'll try and make the ui more clear showing the flight number for the day. do you have any suggestions for improvement? thanks!

  • @kb Thanks for your comments, I definitely hope to improve the navigation. What you are seeing is you uploaded two flights for that day, so it gives you a 'magic button' in order to get to the previous flight for the day. It looks like on that first flight you only uploaded 21 pictures from your EasyUAV then it matched 8.. the next flight is just in mosaic mode. :) The matching stuff allows you to see the first and last image and log entry for your flight, which I was hoping would allow the use to adjust if needed. Sorry for the bugs, I definitely hope to get a bit of help on this project soon. thanks for the feedback :)

  • T3

    Personally I find the navigation between 'flights' quite convoluted.

    Returning to 'my profile' instead of list of jobs, presents soem magic icons en only then when you jump to imaginery space, you use rewind-forward style navigation that sometimes changes to list of flights. The result is also very 'interactive' in teh way it is being produced, but it is difficult to say : hey, here are the inputs, and here are all the outputs. All process in semi-realtime (looks very cool) but when you see it begins with some sort of divergence, you are lost because yous see magic numbers are ticking (like matches - wth is that? I upload 200 pics, it says 8 matches and displays 2 sets of 9 photos in 2 groups). All this is verbose, but uses not-so-well defined vocabulary, so it is difficult to say if it is going to explode in your face or just processing one of the scenarios. Scary to watch.


    It is mangling something.


    I see a button 'previous flight' and it goes... here:


    Just imagine you press 'next channel - international' on your tv pilot and it opens DVD recorder and switches to Chinese (simplified!) using world's population sample as the most intuitive choice.

  • @brakar sorry, I will definitely let you know if we open it back up here soon.. I am playing catch up with all the help I have received. Either way, my goal in a month or so is to have the service ready and open to anyone for free. Also an affordable hobby ($6 per month), power user, business, enterprise and other subscription levels. :) 

    @gary Thanks! how was the safari!?

  • Sorry to see the betatesting period has ended. I would really like to test this solution.
  • Moderator


  • Well, looks like web integration will be easy. Thanks again to Andrew Hazelden for pumping out a quick demo to view his Dronemapper 3D PLY data in the web browser. I will integrate this into the site tonight. rock star!


  • These were really high quality JPG images from Martin R's mikrokopter. 43 images and the bundling took 25 to build the mesh. I bet it was due to the 12MB jpg files and lots of pixels? :)

  • 3D Robotics

    How did it pick up the trees!?

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