

DroidPlanner 2.3.3 is out on Google Play Store. This release shouldn’t change much for the average user (just a couple of bug fixes), but it’s a huge improvement for developers.

The changes include (here is the full change log):

  • Support for Hybrid mode.

  • Logs upload to DroneShare (opt in)

  • Miscellaneous improvements on mission planning code.

  • A couple of bugfixes, for example making mode changes work with Hexacopters (and all other copter configurations)

  • Decoupling of drone-specific code from Android UI code

The last item means that all the code relating to the drone and mission state is in a separate library, and can be reused in other GCS applications (it could even be used as the base for a PC/MAC application).

About the first image:

The flight was planned with the new version of DroidPlanner and executed with an Iris. Some pre-planning was also needed to find out the correct path to take, and places to add delay waypoints.

IMG_20140510_102222 (1).jpg

The entire flight was made just using DP2, but with a safety pilot ready to take action. Here is the result:

Screenshot from 2014-05-10 13:25:54.png



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