It is our pleasure to announce the first public release of DroidPlanner 2.0 on the Google Play Store. It represents a complete rethinking of the way users interact with autonomous aircraft.
The goal was to simplify workflows, provide more glanceable information and increase overall reliability for the most common user interactions. The biggest changes are as follows:
Completely redesigned graphical user interface
Mission editing including survey
Quick actions including Land and Loiter
In-app RC Radio Configuration
Phone-specific layout
Improved Guided Mode
Dialog for Bluetooth device selection
In DroidPlanner 2.0 you’ll find two primary screens for interaction: Telemetry and Planning. From the telemetry screen you can quickly assess overall aircraft health and what it is doing. You can also enter Guided mode at your current altitude with a long press--give it a try! Other quick actions from the Telemetry screen include Land, Home (RTL), and Loiter.
The Planning screen has been redesigned to allow users to quickly make and manage simple missions while at home or in the field. Takeoff, Waypoint, Land, and Survey are currently supported, with more mission construction elements coming soon.
You’ll find some features left out from the original DroidPlanner. They will be added back in soon after thorough testing. Notably, plane support, more mission items, improvements to Follow-Me, and more support for in-flight tuning are around the corner.
Special thanks to all the devs, including Azrin, Rob, Fredia, Paku, David, and Jason.
Download here.
You can get support here.
Donate here.
Find some Frequently Asked Questions here.
And see the source here.
Is this a separate install from the last official release? (1.2 I think..) I was playing with the beta but there were some features I was more comfortable with in the version 1.2 release. I would like to install both if possible.
Can you make the ability to add additional points between the selected? Possible options are shown in the picture.
Or is such an opportunity? I just don't know how?
Man this looks great, can't wait to try it this weekend.
Excellent Arthur !
@AKRCGUY: It's best if we move this kind of discussion to the forum. But just to answer: Before uploading a survey it's lines are converted to a list of waypoints, so what happens is the same as having a mission with just way-points.
If you set a takeoff point then a survey area, what happens at the end of the survey if no other waypoints are set?
@Cosha: Could you jump to the forum to discuss this feature? I haven't used MP in a while, could you describe what it does.
just one thing to say...congratulation
@Cosha: could you point me to this 'Vario' app?