DroneMapper Aerial Mapping Service Update


Hello everyone:

I don't know where to begin! This last 4 months has been amazing and very challenging. :) I couldn't have made it this far without the help the beta testers, Pteryx UAV (Krzysztof Bosak), Jeff Taylor, Irvin Stafford, Michael Oborne, Martin R and others. Thank you guys. As of now, we have a full feature set for the launch of the site around June 1st (maybe sooner). I don't have GCP support yet, but that is coming when I can get some additional time and maybe some development funds. I am pretty back logged processing flights and I am happy to report we've passed the 5000 imagery mark. Pretty cool! :D

I have been working with various companies to verify accuracy/resolution and result generation. It has been invaluable. I have to say that I am utterly amazed at the quality and consistency of the Pteryx UAV platform!

Here is an example of the worldfile results for a recently process Mikrokopter job. This job result was DEM 3cm/px with smooth/blending and Orthomosaic at 1.8cm/px.






(above image is SenseFly UAV Quarry Sample Imagery via DroneMapper)

Still lots of work to be done, bugs to fix and features to add. I am hoping to get some additional help with DroneMapper soon. 

Cheers and many thanks Pteryx UAV

JP Stoermer

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  • Great work JP!  I'll be sending you new projects soon.

  • Amazing work! I'm in awe at what you've accomplished coding on your own for just a few months!

  • @jim c. thanks for your help and testing too :) it has been very helpful

  • woo .. excellent project to giant steps forward, congratulations JP


  • Just to make clear, there will always be a free level of service. 15 images or less in mosaic mode or flight mode. In mosaic mode, you get a non geo-referenced orthomosaic. With flight mode 15 images or less you get all the same features as a paid job plus geo-reference. :)

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