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  • @Hugues Oh man, I would laugh at the funny video if I didn't have to do the same thing myself a few months back. Luckily a very skilled climber came along and helped get it down :) 

    In this case I was ready to flip the switch to AltHold and save it which I had to do several times actually during tuning. The key is to push the throttle to 50% when starting the mission so when you switch to AltHold to save it drone remains at the same height and you can slowly bring it back. 

    I am using the Arducopter 3.2 in this video which is still in Beta since I wanted to use the splines between waypoints, but 3.15 was doing just fine as well. Either way, this is by no means a totally reliable technology and one should always be ready to override the mission. However, the fact that Randy and guys at 3DR have made the autopilot this capable is mind-boggling to me :) 

    Also the good news is that it's getting better every day and it will become the best autopilot out there simply due to it's open-source nature. In your case it looks like the compass got confused, but I could be wrong. 


  • Developer

    @Hugues, sorry for your fly away.  We are working hard to make these a thing of the past.  The latest work in this area is the EKF/Inav failsafe that's coming in AC3.2.  I can't promise it'll never happen again but hopefully they'll become less and less likely.

  • MR60

    Nice. I hope you know a good tree climbers to get your drone back,just in case. If not, I can advise you mine:

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