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  • It's a hoax video recorded in Battlefield 2. Just shows how far we've gotten since the early days of computer graphics :)
  • Hmm, well made then. I was e-mailed this as legit, probably shouldn't have fallen for it :)
  • I don't know where to find a copy of the video (it was e-mailed to me and I don't have a copy right now) but if you can find it, you should see the vertical takeoff near crash of an F-35.

    I'm not certain all what happened but my understanding is that the afterburner was accidentally applied during takeoff (not properly locked out in software I guess). When this happened the lift became unbalanced as the lift fan could not compensate. The tail rose rapidly moving into a backflip.

    About half way through either the pilot or the computer system transfered to normal flight mode while still in full afterburner. The momentum pushed the aircraft 270 degrees from initial level position to pure vertical with the afterburner stopping the aircraft's descent.

    Finally the momentum pushed the aircraft back to level flight (a full 360) and the full afterburner rocketed the F-35 off like a bat out of hell, just missing loosing enough altitude to hit the deck (yes the aircraft survived as far as could be seen on video).

    I'm sure everyone involved required a change of pants. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen the video...
  • Interesting. I never really thought of this being the last generation of manned military aircraft. But it certainly is going to become harder and harder to justify sticking a person up there...
  • Have a look at this link for more info:
  • Moderator
    Just saw this guess they are ramping up noise hoping to generate more sales.
  • Moderator
    I agree with Jack it might not enter service. But if works needed for people to keep jobs it might just.
  • Moderator
    Yeah I remember watching documentary about this on discovery and they said that the F35 will probably be amongst the last generation of manned military aircraft, assuming things go the way they are
  • Big change in the lift fan from earlier prototypes.


    It'll probably never be used, unmanned vehicles performing all its missions.
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